Victory for AV - The People have spoken! (eat it no good rep farmers

That’s not right at all. It has nothing to do with the horde’s strategy. They removed the premades which was effectively alliances only way to combat leeches, alts, memespecs, and afks. So not a single serious PvPer is going to EVER q for that instance.

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Sorry but if horde weren’t playing scorched earth you’d see serious alliance players in there again. It’s no surprise that those people won’t queue for a map when it gives the other faction a major edge and that faction is using it.

And you’re kidding yourself if you think horde don’t also have issues with afkers and leechs.


Scorched earth has everything to do with it. The map makes it very easy for horde to play a strat that gives alliance no objectives.

No freaking duh alliance who are serious about pvp are choosing to avoid that situation.


They’re not avoid the map or the horde strategy, they’re avoiding YOU alliance memespec pug. The reason no serious alliance play is because premades were removed meaning they’re forced to play with alliance leeches if they want to do AV. Not gonna happen.

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lol. alliance stopped playing AV because we have a 1 percent chance to win it regardless how many many imaginary botters and leachers people say there are


LoL no they are 100% avoiding the map right now. You’re confusing the order of cause and effect here. The serious pvp players aren’t avoiding AV because of bad players, it’s that all that’s left in AV is bad players now because the serious players started avoiding it because of the map and horde strat.


i avoid it because of bad players that dont try to complete objectives.

the map, while yes i agree favors the horde is no where near the detriment that losing mindset / rep farming / lieut killing only is.


you have to be trolling

There’s some people who just don’t understand that that mentality is caused by the map.

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Give it up, he is to focused on blaming something other than himself and his teammates to do anything else, and well, that just leave the map to blame.

So clearly he and the rest of the alliance can do no wrong, so it must be the map.

Except alliance do just fine in WSG and AB, so since we can rule out your theory that alliance just suck, the issue with AV is the map.


“If we are at least able to organise a bit we have a chance in AV due to the map itself. I have a 73% winrate leading (before changes) and currently try to lead alliance AV’s and my winrate dropped down to 10%. And here is the issue:”

This is from the thread linked before.

The alliance premade leader claimed a 73% winrate until premades were broken and it went down to 10%.

So what changed? The map didn’t change. The players did.

Ironically he blames the map in the same post, yet he had a 73% winrate when he could control his group enough to prevent leeches, afk, bots, exc. Then dropped to 10% when he could no longer keep them out of his games.

If the winrate changed so drastically from just removing premades (which had almost 75% winrate on his own claims) and no changes to the map, that means that it’s the players that caused such a huge loss rate change, because the map didn’t change, only the selectiveness of the players on his team.

So ya, it’s not the map causing a 99% loss rate, I’m not saying the map is perfectly balanced, but it’s not the map causing alliance to lose 99% of the time.

Edit: again alliance suck in AV for 2 reasons

First being most of the people who are good at pvp go to AB or WSG for better HPH.
Second the people who go into AV are already (in the vast majority) already given up on winning before the game has even started and chose to go for rep even if it directly hurts their win conditions.

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I love these Horde and their strats for winning which don’t work because they been tried. We’re in a game where people min/max constantly in both pvp and pve and these people think that alliance pvpers haven’t tried all this in AV?

I mean it’s downright delusional at this point thinking there is no map differences when there’s horde and alliance players who have detailed all the issues.

Keep blaming alliance for the loses while ignoring the fact we have great winning percentages in WSG/AB. We still have the same queues etc yet anyone who actually pvps avoids AV.


Already explained why AB and WSG win while AV loses for alliance.

Try reading.

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Premades vs pugs only having a 73% win rate doesn’t really make the point you think it does.

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Not really, there are only a couple of things to try in AV and a couple of counters to them. It’s not rocket surgery. The most reliable “meta” is the horde turtle, it’s the least risky and the most successful overall.


But they still lost, right?

Yes, this is a good strategy but then it’s a race. If, in order to do this, you have to strip enough off defense then the horde win that race. The horde can delay pretty effectively at several points with a minimal amount of people.

The race the alliance can win is a full-on rush to Drek. However, that is very risky since all it takes is a few well-placed AOE fears and frost novas to split the rush and send people back pretty far.

Did you completely ignore the entire “can be defended by a small handful while the rest are down south” part?

Of course you did.

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Did you ignore the part where everyone who dies down south is right back trapped up north?

Of course you did.


Don’t even waste brain cells arguing with him/her .

They are only here for replies and nothing else.