Veto'ing Real ID literally ruined the game

Did this thread get coated in lead paint or are we slamming down asbestos burgers?

Privacy is a good thing. Not everyone needs to know everything about you. 666 comes soon enough for those who hate the idea of privacy.

No it wouldn’t. Video games don’t need my real name to stalk me.

None of which use my full real name.

Wrong. It would have put people in danger— and has. As a dispatcher, I know this.

I absolutely do not agree that people should be forced to use RealID, not would it solve a darn thing.


I like my privacy. Unless I’m building nuclear bombs or engaging in similarly dangerous activities in my apartment, what I do behind closed doors is my business.

If I choose to wear a maids outfit and dance around to “Like A Virgin” … that’s entirely my choice.

It may creep out my neighbors, but that is what blinds are for. So they don’t have to go “Honey, I need a drink, the next door neighbor is doing that maid thing again.”

EDIT: Sorry for the mentally disturbing image. But I do believe it drove home a point about privacy. So long as it harms none, do as thou will.


FB uses real names and is a mess. So I don’t think that’s true. Twitter still allows for usernames, and is a mess. The internet, especially social media is a mess. Not because of Real ID or no Real ID, but because there’s so many people on those sites that it’s more likely to have problems. Twitter is where a lot of doxxing has taken place.

This forum is tame in comparison to some of the stuff on Twitter, FB, Reddit and 4chan.

Better moderation is the only way to clean stuff up.


No thank you. I don’t even have social media as is, and I certainly don’t want a bunch of strangers have access to my realID.


I’d still be a jerk in game if they used Real ID.

And then someone gets shot like what happened in China between two MMO players. Don’t say something like that won’t happen, because I never bet on humanity. Time and again people prove the why with their worst aspects. But this isn’t about people’s behavior, or about humanity’s worst aspects. It’s not even really about ‘improving the community’. You are lying and simply trying to use that as an attractive package to convince the gullible.

We get what your saying. Anyone with half a brain can see what your trying to say while parroting what your professors likely told you to say, to the best of your ability. To an authoritarian it’s scary for people to have the freedom to speak their minds without fear of reprisal.

This is because you clearly have a deeply seated and highly emotional problem when someone speaks outside of what the sanctioned and allowed viewpoint on anything is, and you’d be the first to go berserk if it wasn’t exactly what you willed it to be.

Based on your 40 year old brony slander to that other poster, it appears that you are alright with people being attacked on social media, but as soon as the reverse happens you flip out and then you scream that the system in place is inadequate. Why is it inadequate? Because your not in control of it.

I know your kind of post and statement, because amazingly history is full of people like you who claim to have the best intentions, and lead people down the path to a monstrous end. The road to hell, after all is paved with good intentions.

Fun fact. Name-calling players is an easy way to showcase your lack of an argument and integrity.

That is a very serious delusion.

Call it what it really is. You want to enforce compliance with your world views via name shames, so as to prevent a person from getting gainful employment, or being able to live their life, if someone dares question you or maybe votes for someone you didn’t approve of. We get it. It’s all about power and a hunger for control for people like you ultimately, and I hope you never succeed.


You don’t even know what you’re saying…

Pure :coconut:s.

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So people being able to doxx people is the answer? People make threats and actually commit crime because of things like this.

Being socially toxic and committing crime aren’t on par and equal to eye for an eye.

Wasn’t real ID just for the forums? Under no circumstances should personal information be listed. Saying that I do which Blizzard got rid of the “each character is a unique entity” forum function. We should be posting on an account basis and not a character basis.

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I mean clearly you don’t. Or you’d sign all your posts with a first and last name.

RealID was an incredible invasion of privacy. Blizzard took names you gave to them in good faith thinking it would never be seen by anyone. Then flipped a switch and made it visible to everyone without our permission.

It is because of this I never give any website any real information anymore. I can’t trust what they’ll do with it and it’s none of their business. If you need phone activation I just go make some expendable number on google.


This is the crux of it for me.
Don’t need real id to fix it though.
Other mmos have different systems that fix this though.

I miss the days when the reputation of an individual actually mattered because that meant something then, now, bunch of randos doing whatever they want cause you know if they aren’t in your guild you’ll never see them again.

Real ID is not accountability, it’s just a tool for stalking.

Turning this into Facebook would make it a ghost town overnight.


1978, summer time. Im 12.
someone, we never did find out who, called the police and told them our house was being broken into from what the cops said.

I heard a knock at the front door. so I go to answer it. As Im opening the door I hear something loud in the kitchen at the rear of the house.
The front door is open. Half a dozen cops standing there with one pointing a 12 gauge shotgun in my face.
That noise in the kitchen turned out to be another half dozen cops kicking in our back door, lol.

yeah…its all funny until some innocent kid gets shot by a cop who is a little trigger twitchy.

I dont want anyone here having my personal information.
I get enough death threats as it is.

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If others got to see who I am in real life then I would never post anywhere again and I’d probably stop playing WoW. I like my privacy and I keep my circle small plus I don’t like showboating or having people out of the blue visit my social pages.

No to any invasion of my privacy.


This right here x100

I feel pretty confident that I wouldn’t be the only one to quit the game if Real ID had stuck. WoW would be a smaller game today.

My privacy is more important than dealing with jerks.


It’s dangerous. People are crazy. I’ve been cyberstalked once and stalked in real life once. The cyberstalker because I wouldn’t give them something they wanted in another game, and the other I wouldn’t back up a massive lie and they actually hired a PI to find out who I was and where I lived. I had to get the authorities involved both times. Just no.


Torpedoing that stupidity was one of their wiser mea culpas.

The internet’s dominance over every aspect of life has bred a generation of people with no social skills whatsoever. Giving those people additional resources with which to harass the world was not necessary; they’re doing enough damage as it is.


People get shot/stabbed/beaten to death every day. It just happened to make the news. Do you know how people people are killed in the US every day? Roughly 40-50 people per day. 90% of those never make mainstream news.

How about focusing on the millions of player interactions per day between all online gamers. Out of tens of millions of angry players that lost a Fortnite match, how many have resulted in deaths in real life? Few enough that they make the news for weeks. Yes, people swat other people and deaths have come from it. Yes, people have hunted down people and killed them. However, it’s an extremely tiny percentage of outcomes of interactions between players. You’re more likely to be killed using an ATM after 9pm or during a home invasion at night or being struck by lightning.

No, this is a self-derived perspective. Sorry that some of us are able to think for ourselves, rather than having to rely on a bunch of jumpcut youtube videos to convince us to think one way or another.

No, I’m countering their arugment in an open forum. You don’t reserve the right to create echo-chambers where only those who share the same opinion are allowed to voice their opinions.

Yeah, people have to be cultured by society to teach them what is societally acceptable and what is not. It’s a thing known as societal norms. It’s not normal for a 40 year old to be be into cartoon ponies and it’s not medically normal to be 350lbs.

I’m not really name calling, I’m being fairly objective about it all and not singling people out. Would you say the same thing if I called someone a democrat or a republican?

Oh really? How do you think the USA was founded? Some people had an idea that was “outrageous” and was going to lead them down that “dark path to a monstrous end,” yet here we stand today. Get off your miniature cartoon pony lol…