Veto'ing Real ID literally ruined the game

Sorry I don’t want to be given death threats OP thank you.


Do I agree? Is this a serious question or are you trolling for fun?

Because having my identity known to anyone in this game is not something I would consider - nor did the very large numbers of people who shouted it down when it was first put forward.

They do. That’s why we have a report function.


Uh…what planet you from again? I am constantly seeing big names in news stories about that sort of thing.

uh…no…it aint. And they have armed security most times.

NONE of this has ANYTHING to do with the creepy gamer demanding to have private information about other gamers.

blah blah blah. We practice that 2A right BECAUSE we know that bad guys ARE out there INCLUDING on internet forums just lke this one…and so we DONT give them more personal info because theyre crying about being ganked.

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this folks sums up the op post…



No thank you. I don’t support anything that allows a stranger to call the police and SWAT me.


Given that gamers now do a thing called swatting, I’m going to have to say no, not now, not ever.


And its scary (like I said above) how easy it is to actually get player Info.

I mean, in my suggested friends list, from A to D, probably about 50 some odd names, I saw a good number of Real Names in the list. I think there’s a way to keep your btag from listing your real name, but I don’t recall the option off hand.

Not only no but hell no. There are already more than enough issues with information security in the world to only have it compounded by having a space where your real name is readily available by those who want to use it for fishing scams.

I’d much rather put up with a bunch of bums acting like bums online because they have anonymity than to have such information easily available.

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Yep Bashiok gave his real name on the forums within a minute they had posted all of his personal information on the thread just to show how easy it is to track someone down. I have a fairly unique name I think there’s one other person she’s in Canada with the same name as mine. I have probably six people on my btag, I don’t have a problem with them knowing my name I even have a couple that I text and email.

My name is more common than I’d like. Found that out the safe way.

I was sending myself email. The email is my real name. For business and the like. Well, I forgot the middle initial. Found out someone had that same email address, minus the middle initial. IE JohnPDoe (mine) vs JohnDoe (not mine).

EDIT: As a note, my Official Email Address is NOT my WoW Email Address. I maintain several email addresses for different purposes.

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You are still delusional if you honestly think that it’s worth the risk. Do not get it twisted. Just because it hasn’t happened to you doesn’t make it any less real. It’s not just safety but also security, but you’re just fine to keep ignoring it like you’ve been doing this whole time.

I am not afraid to engage people in conversation so I don’t know where you’re going on assuming that I pretend to be anything. You don’t know anything about me.

Funny that you’d be posting on a 31 Classic toon btw. If you’re so open to people having free access to your information why don’t you go ahead and post on your main? Or are you perhaps worried what people you know might think if they saw you saying so many stupid things.

I cannot believe you’re still trolling. Just so ignorant.


Considering what happened to a Blizzard Dev when they first announced the idea? In a time when people weren’t half as vindictive as they are these days?

No, they’re being smart. They really messed with the dev, doing a huge number on him.

It’s perfectly OK to want to protect yourself. That’s just being smart.


I can only think that the OP either is fully trolling or has no concept at all about what Social Engineering is.


ofc it hasn’t. There is no perfect system and never will be. People will be failed by it but they try to make it right when they uncover an error and it can be proven thus. Often the problem with idealogues is they will destroy a good or even great system in pursuit of perfection that does not exist. One of the biggest flaws in the system right now is the fact that you need a mountain of money just to fight the state to clear your name OR battle unjust legislation in court. Such systems should be divorced of financial limitations and be entirely merit based.

Much of that information is volunteered but you sure as hell aren’t going to be paying them a house visit, they have enough money and power to make you bury you in a mountain of legal :poop:. Additionally celebrities aren’t working class people whose entire livelihoods can be ruined by a social media hate mob riled up on low IQ and fanatic witch hunting fervour. Normal people can and have. It’s not about stalkers it’s about being depersoned. Keep your social credit :cow: :poop: in the communist dumpster fires they belong in, not in the free world. And if you think it’s okay, volunteer your name, address and contact info to the internet and share the link with this forum.

You do know that there is one common thread between all those listed i hope? They are public figures and make their living off of being a Public Figure.

They need to have their information out there(edits to add: To a certain extent. Even for them, there is a lot of information that they don’t want as public knowledge, such as their personal contact information, their home addresses, etc.) to support their careers because knowledge of who they are is, in most cases, a significant aid in what they are trying to do in life.

There is no such thing as a perfect system. Because they’re made by imperfect beings and used by imperfect beings.

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It’s how it should be meant to be yes. Sadly doesn’t seem to be world we live in anymore.

That reminds me of a quote i often like to say: Every form of Government, market, and system is perfect until you apply humanity into the mix.

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Exactly. I mean, I think I’ve given my REAL ID out to less than a dozen people over the years.

And half of those were friends I had BEFORE I started playing WoW.

No. That’s why I, along with pretty much everyone who around around back then, took to the forums to voice our outrage and insist they stop that trainwreck of a decision.

And realID was only supposed to show up on the forums, so people who posted on them would be doing so with their real names. It was NEVER supposed to apply in game (unless you opted to add someone on RealID).