Veto'ing Real ID literally ruined the game

Sorry. Ghostcrawler gave me this pony and you cannot have it.

Sorry. I know authoritarians have a hard time swallowing it but now I have to hard check you with a dose of reality. You have no moral right to decide what is and is not acceptable. Otherwise your no better than the people who attack the LGBTQ+ community on the premise of religious moral authority.

In the words of one dude from Demolition Man, “If I want to run around covered in green jello and eatting buckets of fried cheese, I will because it’s my right to. Not because I intend to do that, but because I might suddenly develop the urge to do so!”

Or in the words of an even wiser man.

“Critics who treat ‘adult’ as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence.

And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development.

When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.”

― C.S. Lewis

To be honest though, you’d probably be the first calling for the Chronicles of Narnia to be banned.

Correct, society does. Society says it’s unacceptable to steal, kill, assault, commit sexual crimes, etc etc. Society also says it’s unacceptable to continue acting like a child, while you’re an adult. Obsessing over things like my little pony, a show meant for young children, while you’re a grow adult, is almost always going to be deemed unacceptable.

That has little to do with this. Yes, some people base their morals on ancient works of fiction and that is a problem. In the real world, if someone is XX or XY and feels they are the other, it’s not that big of a deal to most people. If some male likes other males, it’s not that big of a deal. Those are very major issues though that society is slowly stepping away from their bibles on and that’s a good thing. However, probably at no point is society going to accept a 40 year old man worshipping a child’s cartoon, making body pillows out of them, marrying them, performing “adult” acts with them, etc etc. It’s just straight up weird and creepy.

A work of fiction.

Cool, a person’s anecdotal opinion on a matter. Some people will agree with him, some people will disagree with him. Isn’t it amazing how opinions work?

I play WoW… Sit down.

This has nothing to do with the OP. As always you’re horribly off the mark and saying things that have little merit yourself beyond being anecdotal and your own interpretations of the world around you. Which are laughably narrow in scope.

Do you really have much of a point with continuing to post or do you just like saying extremely idiotic things constantly?

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Can you imagine the amount of in game bullying, stalking, and constant harrassment if this was all available to this community. I shudder to think.

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I don’t even want to… i know people who have been stalked on wow (including myself) or harassed, and that’s without making it way easier.

It was one of the most dangerous ideas blizz put forth, and it was one of their wisest acts to step back from it.

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You can’t convince a zealot. At the same time, you can’t well put them to the sword or lock them up for their views; as that’s exactly what their idea of a solution would be. What she and the OP outline is very much the social equivalent of pointing swords at people’s necks to induce compliance with their views.

They don’t want other opinions, unless they are in a position to punish you for daring to utter them. Since we are a civilized society, the best and only legitimate recourse when faced with such an individual is this. Reject her arguments and disregard her. They hate being ignored.

I’ve put her on ignore and I’d advise others do the same. Yet while you do disregard them, remember to also maintain the debate in a friendly manner, and continue to voice your opposition; so that Blizzard understands we will not ever abide by such a system and they will lose business if they attempt to implement such a system.

Also be sure to vote against any and all public figures that would support such monstrous things. You have to be vigilant, because it’s complacency that allows such individuals traction or power in the halls of governance.

Or to quote Frog from the classic SNES game, Chrono Trigger:

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Hahaha, no. If they hadn’t reversed the RealID “real name” decision I would have quit WoW and never looked back. Not implementing that idea was one of the best decisions Blizz has made for the game.

Not necessarily. Don’t forget, social media is being linked to increasing rates of depression and suicide in young folk. I wouldn’t call that ‘no big deal’.

Additionally, forcing players to have their real name published for all to see opens the doors to all sorts of avenues for harassment and doxxing that wasn’t there beforehand.

RealID is a terrible idea for a video game and if it were to actually be introduced in WoW I’m fairly certain there would be an immediate and noticeable drop in subscriber numbers.


Facebook says hello

Where alot of people have their profiles set to friends only, or just don’t have a profile.

And even then, its pure voluntary how much you put out there, IF you even sign up. A game deciding to make the names of all of their player base suddenly public dose not equate the same thing.

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You missed my meaning. I’m saying people are just the same on facebook, maybe worse. The idea that lack of anonymity will make people less “mean” is incredibly stupid.

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Consumer Privacy Laws exist for a reason.

That’s the one thing the OP forgets. Those darned inconvenient consumer privacy laws that the authoritarians so utterly despise. When Facebook started it had a specific set-up. People had a choice to sign up as a real name or a bogus one if they wanted. Still can do that. Hell I’ve done that since AoL was a thing in 1997 because I knew this day would come.

Now Google is using Phones for authentication. It’ll continue and people will choose with their wallets what is a valid platform, and what is not acceptable. That’s why the free-market is likewise despised by authoritarians atypically.

But changing the WoW Forums over to a Real-ID… Well first that would require a purge of the forums, or Blizzard would be violating their own ToS and privacy rules which were agreed to; which protect customers privacy and confidentiality. It’d be like a GM bragging to you about what he did to a rule-breaker essentially, and then telling you their real name, and where they live.

Thing is, if a GM did that and then you came to a bad end? He is liable. So is Blizzard.

Secondly, it’d require an opt-out to be legal in some states probably, and it would have to mask a player’s characters and simply cause them to post with their real names, and not their characters being listed, much like the Battle-Tag functionality on other Blizzard titles. If it did not, there would be a P.R. disaster and I expect people would just delete their toons and walk to FFXIV.

I mean for as strong as it’s staying power has been, and the fun ride it’s been… WoW isn’t the only game on the market now and the first WoW like MMO that picks up what they screwed up and restores privacy, will cause a mass exodus. If not out of actual playability then out of sheer player spite.

Anyone remember the New Game Experience for Star Wars: Galaxies? Went over well as I recall.

Oh yeah, the U.N. considers privacy even on the Internet to be a basic human right also. So you’d be fighting the U.N. to change their stance when most countries have signed accords to protect people’s privacy.

Blizzard might be a private business entity, but even then, they are a small fish in a very big tank and there’s people a lot more affluent than I who might oppose the OP and their grandiose plans ’For a safe and secure society’.

…So, yeah. Good luck with that OP.

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OH! Im sorry, that was totally my fault for mis-understanding!! :zipper_mouth_face:



All of this is false.

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Bliz didn’t. They removed it themselves lol. Because it was made up. They couldn’t give a real name because it doesn’t exist.

And you’d think that because?

Cuz there is no reason to self redact yourself unless you were making it up and it’d be much more convincing if you acted like it was confidential then give us a fake name we can google and disprove.

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Oh okay, no worries! Believe what you’d like Talathas. I don’t have anything to prove to you.

TBPH sounds like a black mirror episode out of paranoia and fear of the inevitable progression of technology. What can be proposed without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. :slight_smile:

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It was a reply to someone else, did you miss that part?

Right back at you… This is a thread about opinions on the matter. We are sharing them, we are are debating them, we are doing forum things. This isn’t an echo-chamber. Your opinion isn’t absolute and neither is mine. People bring out points, people make counter-points, people then make counter-counter-points, etc etc. This is how debates work. Very rarely do people ever walk away from debates having changed their opinions.

Have you ever been actually physically stalked in real life? Yeah, I’ve been there… Even still, my opinion remains the same. Just because you put your hand on a stove and it burns you, doesn’t mean it’s going to burn you every time you touch the stove.

And on the flip-side, using your own labeling, you would also be considered a zealot by people that share my opinion and outlook on this topic. It’s okay though, I can understand that you’re too myopic to understand that. Keep playing checkers, I’ll stick to chess.

Actually, no, you can’t. Facebook specifically states in their terms of service. Violations of this can lead to the termination of the account if it’s reported. You’d know this if you actually spent three minutes looking over the ToS before you blindly click next:

  • Use the same name that you use in everyday life.

  • Provide accurate information about yourself.

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