Hello! I was MIA for battle for Azeroth because the content of the expansion just didn’t do it for me but now that Shadowlands is almost here and looks promising, I want to get back into it.
I’m mostly looking to play a healer in Shadowlands but i’m experienced in playing ranged dps.
My credentials as a raider:
- Cleared all of BC content up to Mu’ru with the exception of Kael’Thas
- Cleared all of WOTLK, including pre-nerfed Lich king on heroic.
- Cleared all of Cataclysm on heroic
- In MoP, I cleared everything on heroic up until Lei-shen and then had to stop raiding (Many top 1 parses on resto druid throughout the expansion)
- Cleared first two raids in WOD on mythic, then quit raiding.
- Was not very active in Legion and BFA
I’m the type of player that constantly has orange parses and I push myself to perform well. If there was a way to pull up old parses, I would. Looking for an already established raiding guild that did not just get formed yesterday just to be safe that I have a raiding home once the expansion hits. Looking for a mythic guild, not a normal and heroic guild
Let me know
Alliance-Sargeras Raid Times: TBD Raid Schedule: TBD
Hello and thank you for taking the time to read this post. We are currently a newly formed guild with a 10 man raid team but looking to expanded to 20 man team. . The raid days are going to be anywhere between FRI-SAT and starting times are going to be anywhere between 7-9 EST PM. Our current progression goals will be to start at normal/heroic and depending how we will do we will progress into Mythics. Recruitment is open to all classes/specs and casuals are welcome. Aside from raids, we run Mythics+ regularly , and as well as some PVP. NEW PLAYER AND RETURNING PLAYER FRIENDLY.
The Guild was founded by one of our guildmaster’s Sovereign, has become an equal co-led guild with our other gm Waffiz, and has a great core of moderators. Were looking for moderators and general run of the mill pack members too and there are opportunities for those that prove themselves who want to rank up within the guild! We play many games with each other besides just wow and pride ourselves on having a one off warning system concerning drama within the guild - (everyone just wants to have fun and not have to deal with that person who wants attention). We have a decently sized Destiny 2 playerbase within the guild as well so if you are looking for friends to blast some space monsters in the face with then we got you!
If you will like to find out more, please reply below or contact me on discord at Rellos1018#8832
Hi, if you have time, I would like to chat with you about your plans for Shadowlands. Hit me up on Discord Tyyr#3734