Veteran player leaving, farewell

you smoke plant? What it means 71 tree

I did to deleted 9 80+ toons. Make you sign a social contract then let everyone dump on each other in lfg.

I use the forums prinarily from my phone, and it seems that i had a random character chosen when i first posted. It certainly wasnt my highest retail toon, or my most recently played/highest classic toon either. Not sure if/how mobile is different or if youre just asserting false info.

I’ve been playing for about 18 years, started a few months before BC came out. Still have no desire to stop, though I take long hiatuses every year or 2. Different does not mean bad, but if the difference causes you to lose interest, you shouldn’t have pushed yourself to keep playing.

Dragonflight brought me to a place where I actively participated in every patch for the first time since Legion. I leveled every class to max for the first time since Wrath, and tried to be competitive at almost everything at some point; almost every spec, as well as pvp, mythic+, and raids. Found a healing spec in disc priest that I am actually really enjoying, even, and my friends will tell you that I quickly get toxic most of the time I end up healing.

It’s sad to me to see people giving up on the game in a time where, for me as a veteran, the game feels like it’s generally in a better state than it had been for a long while. It’s far from perfect, and FotM is more rule than opinion during a lot of balance states, but I can see the devs making efforts to make as much content as possible fun to experience, especially with the development of TWW. We’ve gotten all the way away from the one-item power creep grind that made progression feel icky for two expansions, and we slogged through the mess that was SL, made it out the other side with a somewhat intact playerbase… and, to me at least, it feels good at the moment.

If you’re burned out and uninterested, though, and you genuinely feel done, it’s better for everyone for you to leave the community, even if only temporarily. Your frustration and lack of enjoyment will bleed over into your gameplay and interaction, creating a toxic background in the environment for everyone exposed, even if you never chat.

Ahh yes, the Winnebago people.

Imagine dropping them all in stranglethorn vale in its original version. The tears would flow like a tsunami

Don’t bite your tongue and die from your venom

Yes inspector gadget you’re right

If you didnt play vanilla youre not a veteran

This isn’t an airport. No need to announce your Departure.

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People who say this still play from their parents’ basements.

Man acting like Wrath release wasn’t 15 years and a half years ago lol. At this point WoD players are vets.
I started in BC not classic myself. But saying Wrath players aren’t vets at this point is mind boggling stupid lol.

Never. Ever, ever. In the history of WoW, has there been a “Veteran Perk”, be it marked by 5, 8, 20 years. They have never given a mount or pet with a ticket. The GM system had already been a joke by then with amazing incompetence.

Your entire post is 100% a straight lie.

If your friends jumped off a bridge would you? Stupid response just shows your low class trashiness.

That was a bad idea

Eh why do you people have to announce Everytime y’all decide to quit. Let it go. Y’all sound like teenage girls throwing a tantrum. Blizzard isn’t the only gaming company out there. Find a new game to play and move on…or don’t and just keep making posts stating you’re going to quit when you aren’t.

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desire for attention noted and granted

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I honestly don’t know why people get dramatic of a video game.

You got bored so you quit. I wonder if any other mmos have people literally typing a goodbye note to …anyone. like everyone actually knows them.

I’ve taken long breaks and I’ll mostly tell my guild and a few close friends. That’s about it.

And it will be like a " will be taking a month or two or a season for a break bye "

Why would I lie about it? Myself and 2 friends got a store mount back in wod that way. On top of that streamers mentioned the same thing during legion. If I recall correctly it was Venruki.

Anyway, you dont have to believe me but calling it a lie just shows what kind of a person you are.

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I got a veteran statue sent to my house from Blizzard for free for the 10th year anniversary. Part of the text on the bottom said “We present this token of appreciation to you, stalwart adventurer. Thank you for being a constant presence in our lives as we adventure together.”

Proof of this existing Blizzard Gifts WoW Veterans with Their Own Orc Statue - IGN

So I don’t know what Meowkitty is talking about but this does seem to be the age where Blizzard was caring about retaining long subs. So maybe there was a difference in the support at the time.

As for the OP if a person doesn’t care they can ignore the thread. Bumping the thread by saying that super unoriginal airport thing isn’t any better.