Veteran player leaving, farewell

The folks with 36 bumper stickers do it, I’m sure.

Not that different? They LITERALLY remade both Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms. By zone count AND levels that is 75-80% of the game. How can you possibly say that Cataclysm and Wrath are not that different?

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If you really were a veteran player and really were unsubbing you’d have posted on your maxed classic character or at least your maxed retail character. That you’re posting on this lowbie alt for the first time on the forums tells the truth about whether you’re quitting or not. The forum will auto pick your highest character as your forum avatar so you deliberately changed to this lowbie alt for posting here.


Who the heck cares about the 1-60 content tho? Just play era if leveling through vanilla zones is your idea of World of Warcraft.


I care about 1-60 content, and I want to level characters from 1-80. I also want to play an alliance shaman and death knight having the 71 point talents trees. I’m a little taken aback that you DON’T consider the 1-60 zones World of Warcraft - that is THE most ‘World of Warcraft’ content you can get.

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Because they aren’t.

Just because you say it doesn’t make it true.

Yes it does.

But but but, they changed the world man. I can’t do those old Loch Modan quests that I’ve done a hundred times anymore!!!111

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But ultimately if you’re not enjoying Cata you might as well quit, different strokes for different folks and all that. I just don’t understand why people feel the need to post these good bye messages though, like no one cares that you’re quitting.

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You sound like my son, just arguing for the sake of arguing. You’ll understand once you grow up.

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I mean out of our little back and forth 2 others disagreed with you.

You think because you can’t go kill Hogger in Elwynn that Cata plays that much differently from Wotlk and im sorry but it doesn’t.


It plays MASSIVELY differently, and the lack of old world elites is just the tip of the iceberg. But, since you say nothing is different it must be true, since there’s no way different people have different experiences.


Yea their isn’t much different from the way it plays.

Wotlk and Cata are extremely close, which makes sense they are only 1 xpac apart.

Now if I said Vanilla and Cata are close then I’d be crazy.

This isn’t an airport. No need to announce your departure.

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you are considered a veteran if your account is 8 years old. At that point GM’s used to offer you a mount or pet of your liking also (when you had put in a ticket for anything).

At least in WoD and Legion they done that… no idea if thats still possible but they actually view 8 years as veteran accounts.

Lol okay? Thanks for the notice I guess?

WoD is literally the better version of Cata.


The addition of garrisons is the biggest change with WoD and previous versions. It can become a massive solo time sink and change they way people played wow in a big way. That solo mini-game yielded astonishing amounts of gold easily and could consume large amounts of time in solo farming/game play. Players, like me, can get seduced by all that easy gold and end up playing a majority of the game solo.

It might be but I can’t comment on that I never played it