Veteran player leaving, farewell

That’s crazy, but I don’t remember asking.

Attention leaving wow players, please proceed to gate 10 for departure. :flight_departure:

Well cya later bro cause you’re not quitting who are you fooling.

did you just laugh at your own joke?

Because the zones that you never visited or saw aren’t actually important to gameplay and difficulty. Cata is Wrath but more polished.

I don’t care that they changed a level 10 quest lol

Turning every bad decisions from WotlK up to 11 might be considered a better version, in the same manner waterboarding might be considered a better form of torture compared to tickling. Sort of assumes blizzard was trying to make it bad, a level of competence I am not willing to grant them.


What is worse in Cata??

Literally the phase 1 raids destroy Wotlk Phase 1 raids and for the most part the class design in cata is way better.

not reading your essay. just here to respond to the title:

later! maybe!

This at least is true. My son - who has the oldest account in my family - subbed about 14 days too late to have this, and have stayed subbed ever since. I still remember how sad he was.
I have never heard of the mount Meowkitty is talking of.

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One, what joke.
Two, I was laughing at how dumb the statement you made was.
Is English your second language?

and youre only level 21? good riddance

Well, I DO care… those zones are where I spend most of my time.

Everything other than RAIDs and end-game dungeons was/is worse. Literally 95% of the game.

Back to era you go!

We know, you can’t stop talking about it. The funny part is the majority of us have been playing since vanilla, wow isn’t exactly good at gaining new players.

it is, yes. Romanian born and raised.

Did you happen to go to school with Dracula? What was he like as a kid?

I don’t agree that most of the classes are better, its definitely a mixed bag. As for what is worse.

The World, the story, the quests, the professions, and the everyone is a hero bull…

All of it consistently going down hill…


Yeah i disagree.

This isnt Cata original so who cares about the story.

The prof are the same as wotlk.

The quests are better than WOTLK.

The raids are overall better, Phase 1 wotlk was literally tied for the worst phase 1 of a classic.

I think that majority of spec design got better.

Is someone having English as their second language an issue? I find most people who are not native to the English language have better English skills than those who are supposed to be fluent in English.