Very toxic and racist community


if you’re finding multiple groups that will bring you to a raid, then kick you halfway through.

maybe take a minute of honest self-introspection and consider the problem might not be everyone else.


Welcome to the internet?

-circa 1998

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Better yet, wait for them to drop feast, eat then pull the boss while they are sitting :grinning:

Enjoy the reaction, then hearth


I thought about it, especially since I made all the feasts but I tried to keep silent and just leave because I didn’t even want to escalate anything.

I’ve been in lots of guilds and I’ve pugged in lots of guild groups. I can honestly say I’ve never seen that. I’ve been in toxic discords of course, but I don’t think rampant racism is running through the wow community lol.

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This is why rule #3 of my guild is: “All disputes will be settled by a PVP dual to the death.”…surprisingly I haven’t had any issues with indecency in the guild.


I knew a person several years ago who would say that very thing to people that he didn’t like or people that didn’t play up to his expectations. He didn’t use racist language, but he was well known for telling people to go kill themselves and destroy their computer because they didn’t deserve to own it.

Thankfully, he changed over the years and is now a really nice guy. He was an RL acquaintance that I worked with at the time.


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Blizzard won’t inform you of any punishment the perpetrators receive.

I’ve seen outrageous behaviour during all my years playing this game, even before the e-sport frenzy - but I tend to agree that the game is transforming into something that places more value on dog eat dog than community. And I agree, the “e-sport” scene (a cringe word in itself, as if it’s a “sport” - rrrright) has had a polarizing effect.


Are people incapable of having words just flow off their back like water off a duck’s back?

Just do what I do, coo at them like a toddler and make them freak out.

“Aww, that’s cute! Now try that insult again, I know you can do it, you’re a smart person who should be capable of coming up with something original!”

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Community is fine.

Remember you’re part of this community to… so

How do they know what race you are? They cant see you…

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My guild has several members with accents and no one has ever even slightly hinted at anything. If someone in my guild causes drama, they will be kicked immediately. Everyone is helpful and friendly, its basically a rule. You may want to check out my guild to be honest.

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Show me on the training dummy where they hurt you.

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Well not sure what this has to do with the thread, but I do have to say it’s pretty entertaining to watch players kill their characters trying to dps a raider’s training dummy. Its made me laugh since it was introduced in WoD especially when you’d see piles of dead characters surrounding the dummy


At OP yes I have met some people who use racist words quite frequently in this game, but it is not just this game. I see it happen in a lot of games. Also it is hard to tell how sincere they are being with their words because they are saying it over the internet, good chance they also likely have mental problems that they’re not getting treatment for (which is a big issue in America in general)

Still I agree, I would refrain from using racist words. Personally it just makes me uncomfortable at the thought of using them because I don’t want to hurt or disrespect other people. Also I’m pretty sure that’s a quick way to get reported and account muted


It has to do with all these posters being whiners. Just mute or whatever to the chat. Stop reporting and being all “OH EM GEEEEE” about stupid crap.

So in your words let the toxicity and racism keep growing, don’t do anything about it and take their advice and go kill myself?

I don’t think that will work on resolving these community issues.

OP just telling me the WoW community is great.

Wow what a bad bait. First you have all these lgbtq bait threads and now this.
Please try harder at trolling you have failed this time.