Very toxic and racist community

So came back after a 3 year break and as I’ve progressed into heroics on a few toons I’ve come across groups that will bring me for half the ride then kick me along with racial slurs wasting my time and adding frustration.

I tried to join what I thought was a like minded guild and then when it comes to Sire progression for them on Heroic I spend 2 hours with them and then for the last pull they boot me, say nasty racist things and that they only wanted their old vets to get gear…

I’ve been told to go kill myself, hope that I die etc and to uninstall. This game is NOT enjoyable with such toxicity and I’ve been playing on and off for a long time, but have never seen people this nasty and seems no repercussions for such vile actions.

What happened to what used to be such a great community game where you could run with a group of people and not get such hate and abuse?

I don’t PvP because it’s more expected there but not so much in PvE but seems so much has changed and with what has happened in the past few days alone just has me shocked to how bad it’s gotten…


I don’t know, man. We’re just all toxic racists I guess.


Report them. Telling someone to go die is unacceptable, as is the use of racist language. People can get banned for that.


Yea I clicked report and typed something short and simple since chat logs tell a lot, but haven’t seen anything happen yet. It’s just frustrating…


just tell on them :frowning: people are cray!


In all my years playing this game I’ve never experienced racial slurs. I’m sorry you’ve seemed to have them often. I have had 1 crazy stalker and many “females suck” or other sexist type comments so I’m not saying you’re lying.
Many in this community are toxic. It sucks bcz I love this game. But given how much of the general population I hate, it’s not surprising to find a similar ratio


Yeah it is.

I’ve just gotta say though, my experience is not in any way similar to your own so I’m thinking you just had bad luck and picked a bad guild. Most people I’ve met online (and I’ve met some real a-holes here) are decent people. It’s just unfortunate that occasionally we stumble into someone who really needs to learn to grow up.


Blizzard’s reporting features have a lot to be desired. I’ve seen people say some terrible things in pugs. It’s wild how many men in their 30s still haven’t learned that the r word is a slur.

I joined an rbg group and the leader was saying some wild racist and xenophobic things. I reported and left them cos they sucked but never heard anything back one time in a mythic + pug the tank told everyone (incl me) to off ourselves. Some people are really on their edge lord ish but I promise there are some good people out there. Just takes time to find a good guild sadly.

Blizzard needs more communication after we report, though.


There’s toxic people everywhere honestly. Finding a guild with like minded people has really eased a lot of the stress n what not from the regular WoW players I would PUG with in the past.


There’s some lack of information going on here. Racial slurs? Racist things? Why would they say that? :thinking:


Blizzard pushed the meta at the expense of everything else.


How do racial slurs even come up? We’re playing a video game as elves and stuff ya know.

I’ve encountered a lot of toxicity in game and only 1 time was it someone being like legitimately racist. There are trolls that say slurs to get a reaction out of people and that is not good behavior but to say it’s actual racism is a stretch imo.

Anyways, maybe it’s because I’ve been playing online games since before I was a teenager and I’m desensitized but idk. Dunno what communities you’re getting into where this stuff is the norm but I pug almost everything and almost never run into it.

Not saying you’re lying, just providing my anecdotal evidence as counterpoint. Cheers.


Ya know i didn’t get my daily toxic racist quota in today. Darn. /S heavy heavy sarcasm

You can’t possibly be basing this conclusion on a single guild?

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Sounds like all these things were only directed at you? Am I reading that correctly?


Sounds like regular internet to me lol.


Hello Athelstan, sorry to hear you experienced such filthy vitriol and unacceptable conduct from your fellow players. I hope you will not tar and feather the entire community as being like the hooligans and rascals who waylaid you tonight. I suggest you report them, no doubt Blizzard will take immediate action against them, I am sure they have a file on those players thicker than a Hong Kong phonebook.


the same way that everyone that has ever been on the internet is a F. if you know what i mean. i am a woman. but the amount of times people gloss over it to hit me with things that would only offend certain MEN is very odd. lol

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I’m not going to repeat said slurs here if that’s what you mean.

People hear my voice and accent and that’s when I get the slurs in discord, but they’ll go through trouble of typing it out in game too :frowning:


Not asking you to. I was asking the same thing someone else said which you just answered above me! LOL