Very toxic and racist community

And now for another episode “That definitely happened!”

There are in game methods for dealing with this. Report and move on don’t come here with your one sided story.


Making my comment clear: it was the first time this type of incident had occurred and I can’t say it was hideously serious, in so far as the person involved did not hear it and no real offensive language was used. It was more along the lines of the type of thing we hear in Irish jokes said by standup comics, and totally clean ones at that. It was more the attitude that the GM pulled them up for, and I think she handled it very well.

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Yea that sucks. But honestly there are toxic people everywhere you go. Sometimes you just gotta grow a pair and move on. Don’t let people bring you down. And don’t get offended over what people say. Doesn’t matter.


I’m not sure how you have never encountered this. Do you not play with voice on very much? I have certainly seen it directed at other players with certain accents over the years. Most of my ignore list is full of idiots like that.


I don’t remember coming across you :thinking:

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What are these low effort posts for?

OP clearly confirmed in this:


even most racist people will not just randomly insult you if you did nothing wrong.


How could you dismiss it as easily as that?

I have seen people just resort to unwanted jokes on many people just because of their voice and didn’t seem to stop when told to stop. They got kicked out obviously.


Report 'em and get them flushed out of the community.

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Internet anonymity says otherwise.

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My experience had been that this type of behavior is pretty rare. The norm is just a bunch of people playing a game they enjoy and doing their thing.

I’ve never reported anyone, just put them on ignore and move along. They will get what’s coming to them sooner or later.

I’m sorry you got in with a bad crowd OP. Such groups have existed since the dawn of the internet. Even back when plain old chat rooms were the only thing, there would be random trolls flinging racial slurs, bad jokes, and crazy theories.

I had a more positive experience with my guilds - we loved people with distinct voices and accents - made it easy to recognize who’s talking. We had this amazing Bear tank who taught Russian and had moved to the US from Estonia: not only was she smart and extremely talented, she was humble and kind. Whenever we would be having a difficult time on a boss, we would ask her to explain the fight again. Instantly everyone was more calm, more focused, and more often than not we’d take the boss down. She is, in my mind, one of the best players I ever raided with.

I share that, not to diminish what sounds like a very unpleasant experience, but to encourage you that there are guilds and communities out there who will be thrilled to have you and might positively celebrate your accent, speech pattern, and excellent character.

I hope you find a great guild like that. Best of luck!


yeah yah, always trust victim and guilty before proven innocent

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Man, if only there was a step or two Blizzard has to take before exercising their ability to squelch or ban a player for toxic behavior like, say, reviewing the logs.

If only.

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No, truth does matter. In this game, on the internet, and life. Truth is important in all walks of life. I am not accusing the OP of lying, all I am saying is that Truth is important. Sorry I couldn’t let that pass.

Regarding the content of this thread, yes, there are toxic jerks in this game, just as they are all over the internet and in humanity in general. That’s unpleasant and unfortunate and it should be reported when experienced. But the vast majority of us aren’t like that.


system is operated by bots

OP did not even call out anyone. He/she was respectful enough to keep names out and spoke about their experience. No one’s being singled out for being guilty.

Do you want the US Supreme Court to send you a personally worded letter that this person had in fact been racially abused in discord with the attached voice logs so Your Majesty can peruse them at your convenience?


Aren’t you the person who basically admitted to being so scared of having people hear your voice that it interfered with what activities you chose to do in-game? But you’re writing this?

So you have such crippling anxiety because of what other players may say to you, but you can’t believe that people are racist on the internet?

lol, what?


I linked Den Mother once because my group was asking what the buff did, and I said “Momma Bear’s Got this!” because… its called Den Mother.

This, of course, made the group think I was a chick, and I got requests for nudes from two of the four of them.

Enter the next step: Player appeals.