Very toxic and racist community

Ah ok. Thought someone was like whispering you in chat, or in party chat. Sorry to hear that anyways though.

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You know what else fits this narrative? The swastika, which used to be a Buddhist symbol, before it was appropriated by Germany in the early 20th century and used as a hate symbol… unfortunately, it still is used that way to this day, almost a full century later… so go ahead and try telling just about anyone these days that you can’t compare swastikas with things like the N word or even the R word, then see how seriously they’ll take your input… this brings us to…

Which absolutely doesn’t matter to some people, so good luck with anyone who is gonna jump on you over those opinions of yours…

:rofl: :woman_shrugging: :popcorn:

I get you’re point with a slight nuance it wasn’t the exact symbol it was reflected but I realize that’s largely semantic and unimportant.

Even so, the fact that you’re acknowledging the history of it tells me you understand the point I’m making already.

I have no issues with people flaming me or whatever that’s on them, not me. I just try to actually discuss with the tiny percentage of people that are willing to. Anyways, enjoy the show or hopefully lack thereof.

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Regardless of who says it is acceptable language or in “some circumstances” doesn’t mean that it’s not toxic behavior…

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I prefer the term correct.

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Don’t worry, they do eventually get around to it. You will get a message in your mailbox telling them that their account has been actioned. Got a message like that when I reported a mutliboxer once.

And frankly, with what you described, I would not be surprised if the only thing that is a problem on Blizzard’s end is a backlog.


They don’t tell you anything about what was done. They never have.

They will however thank you for submitting your report.


Why would you raid with them if what they say is offensive to you? Instant disconnect–easy.

Those people get kicked in a good guild.

Do jerks exist? Everywhere. Does that mean you hang around after the first offensive thing/insult (assuming it is tolerated by rest of group) to see how far they go? Not if you have self-worth. Is it ok they are offensive? Yes, to a degree- people are offended by everything. Does that mean that abuse is ok? No.
Find better people to play with. They are out there.


Huh. I remember them at least mentioning that something was done. Must’ve been my imagination.
Although, that is what is heavily implied anyway when you get those messages in your mailboxes.


I was pretty sure the only time they message you about a report having resulted in an action is when a bot gets banned, not when any of the trolls or other jerks get banned… I know this because I’ve reported LOTS of players for scummy behaviour, but only the bots are the ones I get the mail from Blizzard about…

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In my case the main person responsible actually left of his own volition. He was chastised for something during a raid one night and decided he’d go off and start his own “progression guild” which apparently progressed into a hole. Sometimes these things work out.


Yeah, they usually say they will take it seriously etc, but that’s about it. I’d assume they still use the penalty volcano.


I haven’t had an issue being a woman on the internet since MySpace. :rofl:


Maybe, but if he was there any length of time and displayed this behavior, how many people just left when they saw it tolerated? I’d have left right after I mentioned to gm/officer and it was ignored. Waiting on a toxic person to leave isn’t really showing “leadership” by the guild imo. Ymmv.

Edit: In fairness, I don’t do guilds with kids for a reason tho.


i have an extremely feminine voice. and a young sounding one. i am neither. almost 37 year old butch gay woman. meanwhile my actual femme presenting exes who have played have barry white voices and didn’t get the same bs from randoms i did. :sob:

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We’ll, I’d smack people around if I ever caught them treating you wrong! Guy or girl or non binary… we’re all the same awesome pixels! :smiley:


Get used to it snowflake as people told me get thick skin and i’m a female so better get used to the way most gamers act


Sorry this happened to you OP.

My guild isn’t quite on H-Sire yet but we’re really close and don’t tolerate casual racism or anything like that.

I’d be happy to point you to our recruiter if you’d like.


and you obviously did nothing to provoke it, was respectful, humble etc

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