Very toxic and racist community

So you admit to being racist? awww you poor thing :((

Honestly I’m just going to say welcome to the internet. Every game I’ve ever played in the last decade has been like this. No one cares anymore, basic human decency and respect are dead. People care more about being right, getting their way, their side winning, then at any other time I’ve ever seen in history. From Politics, Law Enforcement, whatever. It’s their way or gtfo and die.
I like to think this is a US issue, but then I see things like Brexit and know it isn’t. The internet and in conjunction with the media has ruined common decency. No one can have a conversation anymore without getting rabid and starting to froth at the mouth.

Blizzard (and ALL other social media platforms) should HARD BAN any player reported for racism, sexism, telling people to kill themselves, ect. No warning, they get a report, you get a 3 month ban the very first time. 2nd offense is a year. 3rd time is gone for good.
This needs to happen with Reddit, Twitter, FB, and any other internet media content.

Emotional abuse like this is a real issue that negatively affects both people and behavior globally. The First Amendment protects your speech in public, not on privately owned IP’s.

Will that ever happen? Probably not. But it should, and it should have started a decade ago.


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How would they know what race you are or do you mean they trashed your blood elf character?

I have never had anyone say anything racist to me. It just seems odd that of all the insults they could make they would choose that.

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I’m sorry you had to go through that. If that happens again, take and save screenshots + report. I’ve had my share of jerks, but nothing this bad.

According to the OP we all are.


Completely different from my experience, i would of pugged more than 100 keys and sure you do get crazies here and there.

Only racial slurs i have ever witnessed was towards Ragnaros players and I have never been told to kill myself :man_shrugging:

The idea is great but the application is near impossible. Where do you draw the line?

A platform can be accessed by anyone around the world so this includes different societies, beliefs & general conduct.

You would not have the same expectations for people from USA vs China. Some people like to flex their first amendment rights and claim that anything that does not incite violence is free speech, while China is heavily censored and some simply do not understand how to conduct themselves properly on platforms overseas.

I think we can universally agree that telling someone to kill themselves or death threats is unacceptable right? But from there onward where do these platforms draw the line?

The no warning part is the main concern, although its not a good excuse some people genuinely do not know any better. They have been raised in a society where the common etiquette is completely different.

It is impossible to set standards around a common denominator when societies around the world have different standards. God forbid that we Freedom of Speech from USA cause we’ll be hearing about that forever.

This thread is a bait and completely unnecessary though :fishing_pole_and_fish:

This is how they will learn. By for 3 months, if you come back great, but you get some time to consider your actions. If this was enforced by all privately owned companies which negates the 1A I think it would be a very positive change on society as a whole.

I ignore anyone who uses the word “toxic” like you have here.


Yeah, doubt it. I’ve been playing since beta and I’ve seen racism a handful of times. These “rAMpANt RaCiSM” posts are getting old.


For all I know you could be the one spewing it because it has been around, especially in discord linked to the game and even in private chats.

So on two separate occasions with two separate groups of people in a very short time-span, you’ve been called racial slurs. Now I don’t know what race you are, maybe you have an accent, I don’t know how they would even know to call you a racial slur. All I know is that I have played this game since 2006 and I have never been called a racial slur. By all means, if this is true, file a complaint against them. They should 100% be banned. Blizzard suspends people’s chat privileges very quickly nowadays. I just find this hard to believe.

I am all for making the internet a better place but a 3 months ban as a “learning experience” is complete horsesh*t lol, since people choose to be offended anything can be interpreted as offensive.

Bottom line is that banning people is bad for business.

The reason the ban hammer won’t work is because inevitably people will just quit the platform. Facebook is censoring my speech? ill just use x/y/z platform instead then.

Being positive doesn’t make the company any money, literally 0 incentive for any of these profit driven companies to even spend their time and resources on censoring people’s speech when the platforms are doing so well currently without any of these measures.

This only ever existed in your mind. Much like probably many of the offenses which you experience.


Where do you people find these kind of people? I mostly pug keys but I very very rarely run into these pricks these forums make me believe are very common

He’s just making it up to make it sound worse than it is.


My raid leader tell us all to die at least 3 times every raid nite.

Makes wipe recovery faster.

I think blizzard just stopped punishing people for being racist, because it’s insane right now, especially last year when the election was going on.

You mispelled Athiest