Very toxic and racist community

I’ve gotten three people banned for extreme racism feels great doing the community a service. It’s an even better feeling when they think they’re untouchable and blizzard doesn’t pay attention to reports so they can’t POSSIBLY be banned!! ;00, and boom banned.

I joined discord full of players on my server that tend to hang out in goldshire ( yeah…) and it was nothing but a bunch of white guys saying racial slur, racial slur , racial slur , and extreme homophobic things to eachother. Or the typical “ lol you’re black” when I rock my dark skinned blood elf ;).

You say this as if people have a reason to do half the bull crap they do lol. Some people enjoy being toxic, especially on the internet.


People in general and society as a whole is/are more violent/toxic, those who are most toxic just also happen to exhibit racism… I blame cell phones and “social” media, which ironically for it’s name isn’t really at all social and has thus inadvertently caused anti-social behavior and a lack of interpersonal skills in an entire upcoming generation. We can also blame everything going digital for lesser literacy as well as a ton of other slippery slope degradations…

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I blame selfies.

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Yeah, internet and online community as a whole are toxic in all forms. There’s no perfect fandom or community anymore, there will be always toxicness and racism no matter what.
Gotta adapt and live with it or just put those people in ignore or just straight be disconnected from Internet.
It’s inevitable, this is future that humanity chose.


Well that’s mainly because people can say and do things online and be free of consequences.


I’m sensing there is more to the story here.

I’m always hearing about these “racists” in game and yet literally NEVER seen any. Like at all. I swear you people are just FF weeaboos slandering the game.


I don’t know if you haven’t noticed prior to you experiencing these, but I’ve always thought people act way differently now compared to 10 years ago overall

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You are painting the community with a very broad brush.

Not saying you didn’t experience these things, but my anecdotal evidence is never having experienced this stuff and I’ve been here since day 1.


You are in the wrong guild, time to try another.

I’ve been here since Vanilla and I have seen toxic behavior many times.

Then just leave the discord and ignore them. I could easily say that what you just posted is also racism, for example why do you assume it was white guys in the first place, this kind of thing needs to stop.


Still have never experienced this type of thing.

Not saying it didn’t happen.

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Yea, some real winners play this game

Very toxic and racist community



To quote the Sergeant from Full Metal Jacket: “You are all equally worthless.”

Wow is just bunch of adults acting like little girls… game is crap, community is crap, everyone is buy carries … game just went down hill real fast , cant see my self playing it anymore

by R word im assuming its in relation to mentally handicapped, the R slang term for some medical things. Think about growing up in a society where certain words or phrases are said so casually and often without people actually meaning to be offensive or cause conflict. I know me and my buddies used to “chirp” eachother all the time, call eachother names and joke about each other. When you grow up saying on man thats R, or man how did you manage that your so R. Its just built into peoples subconscious i think. I try and not say it obviously but not long ago I would find Id just say it subconsciously reacting to something that happened to one of my friends. And i know where im from, its a pretty small province with heavily rural roots, Mental Retardation was the medical terminology used for some stuff, and I guess R just got thrown into the vocab over the years.

Im saying R bc im not sure if ill actually get flagged or silenced for saying the word either.

EDIT: now im sure there are people out there using the word with truely horrible intentions and are complete morons, some people are horrible.


You told them you are a white middle aged man with privileges?