Very toxic and racist community

This ones hard to argue with. All of the major servers seem to have this issue. Same people weeks on just saying wild things in trade - there doesn’t seem to be any action or punishment at all when it comes to reporting. Blizzard’s stance is pretty clear, they actually don’t care or are content turning the other way on it to keep money rolling in; every sub counts.


I only think is closed and have lot of ego.

Heroic Raiding

Lol. I did have to go and double check that. They said they were doing Heroic Raiding…
The only real question is have about all this is… He came back to the game last month. He managed to get geared that fast to do heroic raiding?

I hope you sent them cows/bears.

Reroll on an RP realm. Players tend to be a lot nicer and there’s many guilds that have a zero tolerance policy for that kind of behavior and language. I’ve had a more enjoyable time playing on one rather than the bigger megaservers.

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Like I said earlier there are many many post about the toxicity and racist things said in the forums, groups, raids, BG’s, etc. It is just a small sample size on the forums, but it does exist.

That Really was my whole point. Is it the majority? Definitely not, but is it a problem? Absolutely.

Yup this post is just baiting people same as BLM does.


that might be it. i hardly voice chat.
nothing really surprises me about the community that play the game in general. Ive seen too many tantrums and dealt with too many crazy whispers. Best bet is to ignore and move on.

I’m calling shenanigans on this. Most people don’t even talk.

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Just another day on the internet…god help you if you ever decide to play Call of duty :laughing:

But yeah I also call bs on this…no one talks to anyone on wow theyd just boot and be done unless you did something so bad it put a target on your back.

Wtf dude? You probably need counseling if jerks on a video game make you want to hurt yourself

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have you tried putting them on ignore?

Or not giving them power?

I don’t know man, people talk about all these racists, i never see them. Maybe because i don’t personally play with 12 year olds. you should try to join a mature guild and play with a few people. Guarantee you will have a lot more fun.

QoL goes way up that way.

If you’re encountering this on regular basis, you must be the kind of person that’s afk half the run, doesn’t do boss mechanics, e.g. in NW won’t aim hook at boss, and then wonders why people get upset and kick him.

Doubts on racism though, you just seem like a drama queen making up stories, when what happened probably was you getting kicked for afking / causing wipes.


After 16 years in this community i’ve seen a lot of toxicity, a lot of childishness and a lot of racial slurs used in a manner meant to provoke. You are going to get that pretty much anywhere that people of different educational and emotional levels mix online. But rarely have i ever encountered pure, dyed-in-the-wool, racial hatred on here.

The hardest part is to be the adult. Yes, i have reported offensive language, but only when used in the most searingly hateful form. As the parent of a special needs child i regularly see the word “retarded” bandied around like it was nothing and it truly makes me sad some people just was not taught better. In these cases i ask them to try curbing it’s usage some but never once have i reported anyone or attempted to get them banned for the sorrowful term.

Sometimes you just have to learn to grow a thicker skin and fight the true battles while ignoring the petty scraps. Don’t let others emotional shortcomings ruin your enjoyment.

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I was kicked due to my accent and when they assumed my race due to it. Believe what you want until it happens to you one day, I hope not because it’s not a fun experience.

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While I truly believe the last part is true - not that it’s there, but not as prevalent as the toxic community itself.

It has changed, the world has changed, the new generations have a different pov & due to some growing up on social media as well as others that spend their time there …well, communicating without a filter and forgetting there is an actual person on the other side has lead to more offensive, thoughtless remarks. Usually ego driven.

Imo there’s a difference between a harder shell, take the high road, ignore, and justifable hurt and anger.

Of course one can’t fix it, but compassion always helps. (not that your post wasn’t.)
I just get tired of others telling someone else how to feel when something happens that is genuinely disgusting. :peace_symbol:p

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So, I’ve played this game since BC. Why has this never happened to me? Am I lucky? Are the racists hiding from me?

Oh in raiding too…

I remember being told to uninstall in overwatch and heroes of the storm, which is expected in pvp games, but in wow? Did you post in the wrong forums?

Well, its a good thing we have a very strict code of conduct and a report button, so you can literally get rid of those nasty players, isn’t it? There is also a block button, and even an option to disable chat entirely and chat only with people you choose to. That is what I did in heroes of the storm anyway.

Flagged for overt racism.


Only one side of the story being heard here.

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