Very toxic and racist community

I’ve been playing this game for almost 14 years and I can count the truly “toxic” (dumb overused buzzword) encounters on one hand.

Usually with posts like these, we get one sided stories and half truths.

I don’t think people are overly “toxic” in this game. I think the people in general claiming this toxicity are just becoming more and more sensitive and get offended easily.

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No it’s not. I literally just explained why it’s not.

But if you want to be willfully ignorant, go right ahead. Just take it from someone who used to be an even bigger troll than yourself: Know that nobody will ever take you seriously, and no amount of being a contrarian will make you special. You’re being purposefully obtuse because humility isn’t something that exists in your dictionary. You’d rather double down and upset everyone around you because it gives you attention. To be honest, it just makes you look pitiful.


Hai OP,

Blizzard is taking steps to address this issue by banning certain words from ever being said. It might go quite far enough, but it’s a step in the right direction.

There are no GMs since blizzard fired them. They should hired GMs back . Look at FF Eve saying something unfriendly gets a temp ban. That’s why you see their trade chat and overall dungeons experience is better.

queue another toxic crybaby who bashes the entire community.

Well resorting to uneducated psychological analysis on a wow forum to discredit someone’s arguments isn’t a valid argument .

Community definition : A community is a social unit (a group of living things) with commonality such as norms, religion, values, customs, or identity. Communities may share a sense of place situated in a given geographical area (e.g. a country, village, town, or neighbourhood) or in virtual space through communication platforms.

Wow community means people who play wow

Yep. I made my human dark skinned in Wrath, and in Cata, I beat a paladin in arena who then found me on the forums and told me to go pick his cotton. It happens.

The people in this thread in denial about it cannot erase the fact that it absolutely does happen. And they’re not worth engaging with because it’s the same tired, goalpost moving trash you see anywhere else. Gaming communities are rife with racism, and anyone saying otherwise is being willfully ignorant or possibly just racist themselves. If they’re unwilling or incapable of using common sense, that’s not our problem, I say.

Fortunately, it’s not the norm. But I don’t speak when I’m on a big voice chat until I’m sure I can trust the group, because my accent is pretty obvious.

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Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise: the WoW community after more than 15 years is one of the most toxic ones I’ve run into.

I’m not saying it’s /the/ worst because there are definitely far worse if you go play with kids on LoL or some competitive shooters but it’s pretty bad. I think probably the worst of any existing MMORPG.

Open white supremacists (apparently I can’t use another term for them) in trade chat as regulars bad. The solution being “just ignore them” because reporting doesn’t work because they’re actually smart enough not to say a handful of slurs and Blizz doesn’t care if they don’t do that.

Don’t even get me started on sexism and how many times I’ve received demeaning remarks, misogynist bile, etc.

Blocking slurs while nice isn’t going to stop the racism, the sexism, the vile non-categorized venom and hate people sling at others for no reason at all other than it making them feel bigger. You’d need a community that cares to report these people and enough GMs to investigate and punish them. The second isn’t happening after all the GM firings and the first isn’t something I believe is going to happen either with how old the game is. At this point new players either accept the toxicity of the WoW community or leave the game and so it stays.

And as if it needed to be said #not all wow players obviously but tons of people are just either blind to it (probably comes from being male and not a minority) or ignore it which allows it to fester. Along with of course Blizz not taking as proactive a stance as they might have 10 years ago in looking at violations like this.


It’s not a half truth, try being anyone but white and or have an accent and run a few alts / pugs and join random guilds, you’ll see what really goes on…

Working in public safety I can tell you that some people will absolutely behave as horrible as an authority lets them behave. In this case the authority being Blizzard.

The bottom line is people behave in the game the way they do because Blizzard allows it.


Nobody would know you’re not white unless you told them. Plenty of white people have accents.

Glad we agree on at least one thing.

And they also could very well be telling the truth, no? But because you haven’t dealt with it in game then he “very possibly” got kicked for being bad.

There was no bait involved. They said their piece, their opinion, just like you have. You can do a search and see a lot of post about how toxic/racist this game/forum can be.

Well if you’re going to ignore what others have dealt with and what people have seen themselves and then defend it as it’s not that big of a deal because in your opinion it’s not the majority… you’re either Ignorant, Obtuse, or a Troll. Take your pick.

But then again that is Just MY opinion.

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Not like my accent, it’s very obvious when I speak and I can’t help it…

There’s a lot of trolling and toxicity in this game, and that includes people who use sexism and racism to troll and be toxic whether or not they’re actually sexist and racist. The latter has gotten much worse since it became a politically popular hot-button issue, and in most cases those people are doing it in public channels where they have the largest audience. In PUGs and guilds what you assert is the norm has been uncommon for me to witness or receive.

White folks have a wide variety of accents - the American or British accents are not the only ones. I know some white folks from Africa with very thick accents; you’d never know they were white in-game on voice chat.

I’m not going to say what you claim happened or not, that’s not for me to determine. This line of thinking though is false. Accents are not tied to race, they are tied to geography and community.

Why are you here crying about it to us? Grow up


it could be either of them.

Generalising and entire community is a bait designed to rile up people.

I never ignored anything. I take things for what it is . If there’s proof it’s there. If you showed me a study that showed wow community is majority racist. I would advocate for it to be fixed. Blizzard is handling the people who are racist really well.

Also at least we can agree this is all just opinion.

What character was that on? I bet it was Alliance side.

You’re talking on mic with people in heroic dungeons?

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Hey, my server too! Apparently white supremacists spreading hate in trade chat are cool as long as they pay their sub fee.

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