Very toxic and racist community

with how you’re spinning things are you just admitting to everyone how bad YOU are at the game/forums and it’s just you shouting racism because you want to blame everything but your own shortcomings?

This is classic 2021.

People being unskilled at what they do.

They get called out.

They don’t want to admit they are unskilled so they blame it on discrimination

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Hey that’s your opinion and you are entitled to it.

go log into proudmoore early in the morning. you will see racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, etc stuff from certain people for hours and hours. but i’m sure the fact eventually those people go to bed means what they said isn’t full of hatred and everyone in chat is terrible at the game, for finding it offensive.

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I question the motives of the people claiming they’ve never ever seen a racist comment in WoW. Maybe we aren’t playing the same game but I come across racism/sexism almost everytime I log in for more than an hour. This community is toxic and Blizz does the bare minimum policing it.


look they are just examples. You need to do a detailed study. Find out the number of players and see how many make racist comments.

One thing I may have miss communicated. I’m not denying it exists. I’m denying the fact that the “community is toxic and racist” this is implying that majority is this way and it’s wrong.

You are taking the actions of a certain percentage of people from a community then holding the entire community responsible for said people’s action.

I don’t condone racism or any form of bigotry.

Blizzard is doing really well. It’s not their job to police btw there is an ignore option. You can even get an arson which allows to filter out certain words and realms


7661 posts

Customer Support

Yes. The mature language filter is in place to allow parents of minors and others who do not wish to see it, the ability to block it. It is not a license to use inappropriate language or subject matter.

If reported, our staff would review what was said and take actions accordingly. Though we don’t tend to “ban” for chat violations, unless you have a history of them, we silence the account instead.

this https: / /us. forums .blizzard .com/en/wow/t/can-you-get-banned-for-swearing/285833/5

is a blue showing the actual official stance. it’s not a license to say whatever you’d like. and they’re saying that if you have a long history of violations you will get popped. that being the case, deny it more i guess.

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“Do a full research study with experiments and scholarly essays. Btw racism isn’t real in this game because I say so lmao”

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the blue poster also said it applies to masked language in the thread i linked. but yeah apparently people can say whatever they’d like and they won’t get in trouble and we’re all meanies who are trying to oppress them.

What I said is my opinion and what OP said is his Opinion.

The reality is we don’t know if the majority is racist and toxic. However I’m not the one that made this post.

Again burden on prosecution

Blizz is taking care of majority of the people who are performing actions against their TOS. Which is good, I commend blizzard on this

I’m sorry that happened. People online often feel the need to show their “true” selves. I hope you know the entire community isn’t like that, though it is a rampaging problem.


Nobody ever said majority. That’s the issue here: I only ever said it was widespread. I never said the majority of the community was racist and toxic. Saying something is racist and toxic doesn’t denote that all of it is.

Everyone here is knowledgeable enough to know that there are probably more tolerant people playing this game than there are people who are intolerant, but just because there’s a larger percentage (and again, nobody is really speaking in statistics or percentages. It’s only ever been you. I don’t know how many racist people there are playing this game, whether it’s 4% or 40%, but that’s really not that point) of tolerant people doesn’t somehow cancel out those who aren’t.

The amount of racist and toxic players may not be the majority, but they are still there and they are spread out enough to make the game feel less welcoming for many marginalized groups. Hence, widespread. The evidence you should ever really need are the thousands of firsthand accounts that people have when playing the game to know that it is an issue. You shouldn’t need scholarly articles. You shouldn’t need a deduction concerning the percentages between tolerant and intolerant. If you do, you are wildly missing the point of what people are trying to say to you, because it has nothing to do with facts and statistics.

It might not be a lot, but they are there, and they are everywhere, meaning on every server, in every city, and in every text chat. Regardless of how many there are, the fact that they exist and often go unpunished should be alarming to you. The fact that you’ve spent your time on here trying to argue something most people aren’t even trying to argue is indicative of how this issue continues to be overlooked and spread.


Because it’s a game people should have the right to say toxic and racist things? You know because it’s just a game?

Why would I come to the forums to complain about actually having fun in a game and not dealing with toxicity or racism?

This has to be one of the silliest things I’ve ever heard. How have I labeled anyone?

You need to stop trolling.

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You’re just blatantly trolling at this point. What drives a person to waste others time in such an overt way? What kind of an existence must a person like this lead?


OP stated “Community is toxic and racist”

Which is directly saying majority

No it shouldn’t be.

My point here is just That. Experiences posted on forums are not a good measure of how much racism exists in the Game. People come on forums to troll. Op mention he got kicked out of sire, very possible he was kicked for being bad and not “racism”
My issue with OP is his Bait like title which encompasses and generalises the entire wow community.

So suddenly calling people ignorant Or Trolls for their views isn’t labelling.

I don’t think calling someone a troll is an argument.

So can people when you report them but reporting a group of players might just bann one. That is how it works with reporting multibotters.

Classic 2021 thing to do. Label people who hold a different opinion a troll to discredit them.