Very toxic and racist community

you know what would happen if anyone did that? THEY would get banned for posting that kind of stuff. either you are not bright enough to understand that, or malevolent enough you actively are trying to bait people to get in trouble for having been abused.

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Is this a reference to the first 4 days of vanilla launch.

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It does exist though. Because you haven’t experienced it or seen it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

Blizzard does nothing unless it’s widespread and is actually costing them in some way. Let’s be real here.

I rarely report anyone. I’d like to think I have pretty thick skin and realize most these people are immature and hiding behind their keyboard with little consequence of the things they say.

The last report I made was about two months ago and it was in a Random Battleground where the game started off badly and this person decided to throw a tantrum yelling at everyone, (I say yelling because it was all in caps) and thought it was helpful to call everyone several different racial slurs over and over. If anyone said something back to them it was just a racial slur attack.

I reported it and within a couple days I got a mail from Blizzard saying Thank you and due to the report action was taken against the account but they can’t say what action and to keep reporting these issues in the future.

The funniest thing about it is, we actually came back and won the game in the end.


Every Spring the troll people emerge from under the bridge. One needs to be reminded that they have been in hibernation for a few months and their head space is a little cloudy.

But yeah dude is trolling you hard. I recommend ending discourse before you start experiencing “How does this person exists headaches”, neck soreness from frequently shaking your head, and a general sense of “the world is doomed feelings” coming to the surface.

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You can post screenshots by blocking out names thank you very much. Please dont insult other people it’s not nice

i ran out of flags 16 hours ago due to other racists. i don’t switch toons to just flag when my guy here is out of flags. but man, do i feel tempted to rn. :rofl:

Yeah that’s a warning sign to just back off. They stop coming out once you stop feeding them, or so says the lore.

Unfortunately flags I believe are account-wide hehe

It exists in a very small percentage.

In your opinion you mean?

Keep that head buried though.

Both of us are using opinions.

There is no evidence to state that the “community is toxic and racist”

The burden lies on the prosecution. Innocent unless proven guilty.

Also again don’t insult people it’s not a nice thing to do. Nothing good comes out of calling people ignorant

him “show me proof.”

others shows proof. lots and lots of proof.

him “no, that’s not good enough. i want you to get yourself banned showing me.”

everyone else “…”


It’s a fantasy that never really existed. I started mid BC and never have seen anything else.

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This isn’t a court of law, it’s a game forum.

There are a lot of post about toxic AND racist things that happen within this community all the time. That is a fact for you. Not everyone comes to the forums and makes a post about it, they just deal with it or stop playing.

Telling you to keep that head buried in the sand isn’t an insult, it’s the truth.

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If it’s a game. Leave it as a game and let people do and say what they want. The option to ignore is there.

And not everyone comes on the forum to tell you that they didn’t have a racist experience.

That’s ur opinion and you are entitled to it and voice it. People are allowed to do that. Labelling people isn’t nice it leads to racist you shouldn’t do that

Same never seen it nor have I been told to kill myself or Uninstall or anything else.

These sound fake everytime I read or see them especially the details some people go into and how its every group and not just one or 2.

you 2021"actual racism isn’t racism. you have no proof. but you labeling hurts my feelings and isn’t nice and leads to racism."

What’s the chance that OP is just upset about being kicked for being bad at the game and wants to blame everything but his own short comings


My thoughts exactly

And your point being ?