Very Disappointed in the Trading Post

Definitely a much wider monthly selection and using the TP to bring back white/grey removed items and older existing mounts/reskins for existing mounts. That is what i think allot of ppl expected. Just a much larger selection and older requested items/mounts and lower TP currency pricing . The first month I expected a small selection but based on the community response this month shouldve had WAY more items to offer imo. I was ingame at midnight stalking the TP, I was so excited. Then went to the webpage to see and the “Price is Right” lost sound went off in my mind :man_facepalming:t5: lol

It has been very anti caster for the last two. The staff and dagger from the first one were meh and the sword, while cool, isn’t very viable for most casters as they usually get lumped with daggers.

Hoping for a good full body caster xmog next month and a really unique staff or dagger.

I dunno, imo the post this month is so good that I’m worried about not having enough tendies to buy everything I want. It’ll be like that sometimes, and that’s okay.

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Okay, those are honestly uncalled for.

I do agree that titanspire and others are confusing subs here over a game update, not understanding that “free” in this context is referring to extra charge (Which is none) in order to get game updates. Which, i thought it would be obvious to those who would know that game updates, rarely, if ever, charge you upfront before having access to them (and not in a way the sub does). But i guess expecting that of GD at least was being too optimistic.

And exactly, what is this over for, exactly?.. A 0.5 content patch that just makes what you do more rewarding with cosmetics?.. That’s all the sudden, got all the people saying “THE GAMES NOT FREE!! THIS IS BAD GRRR!!” with THIS one only, and all that?

from Imgflip Meme Generator

Yes, i get there’s bugs. I hope it’s patched and yes. The Cap seriously needs to be uncapped. But the core of it is perfectly fine, enjoyable even. I don’t get this outrage.

It’s LITERALLY, just cosmetic.

Seriously. it’s just cosmetics, earned by playing the game, and all from a 0.5 patch. This isn’t a major patch.

Seriously. Pull the stick out, people.

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nah i bought pretty much everything since i didn’t like last month’s stuff. really love the hood

got the 2h sword and the T17 pally recolour and shirt as well and going to buy the scarf and the 1h sword when i do tasks :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

super disappointed in jester though


Someone complaining about good content? I must be on the WoW forums again…


Dont like it? Dont use it.
They have xmogs and pets, sometimes a mount… If you dont like those things, thats a you problem.

Imagine calling something bad or trash just because YOU, PERSONALLY, dont enjoy it. Would you prefer they remove it?


Your not 100% wrong. But if you don’t like it move on . No one makes us pay the sub or xpac prices and allot of people Im sure like it

Do you need a max level character to access the trading post?
Cause (Devil’s advocate here) you dont need a sub until over level 20 or something… So you couldddd, maybe, potentially, theoretically, possibly, almost, get that stuff for free. Right?

the content required to get the tender is over level 20

the only thing that could count is maybe chromie time world quests

Another day, another topic, and the secret still a secret:

There’s not supposed to be anything to it, it’s a fun casual addition. Stop treating this damn game like a checklist that has to be completed at every step.

The FOMO isn’t Blizzard, it’s on you…the player.

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Okay so a sub is required. I guess dont use it then? /shrug

yeah tell that to those people saying its free lol

I’ll never understand people using these arguments. Are you playing the game for free? You bought the expansion + pay a monthly subscription, it’s a live service game, we pay so they can keep updating the game.

I agree it’s asinine to say the Trading Post is bad just because you dislike the current items there, but you can’t just ignore how lazy Blizzard is with that stuff.

Just take a look at other game’s battle passes, regardless of how you feel about them, they all add lots of new stuff into the game, while the Trading Post is just 10 recolors and some old stuff that was already in the game.

It is the same thing the other topic. Free stuff.
And then people laugh when AoC goes to TV and says “we could use the money of tax breaks to buy something else”.
People have a hard time knowing, and this time I will have to cite, that free does not mean only “for no payment”.

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I have no idea what you’re trying to say.

Next month will have multiple mounts and some players won’t have enough currency :rofl:


That and “fomo” isnt new. People are mad about it now for some reason. Elite pvp sets are fomo, right? Glad titles? Mage tower? Like… All of the aotc and ce stuff? Why arent people mad about that? Lol

If you want something you gotta do it. If you wait around, stuff SHOULD pass you by. Thats life lol