Very Disappointed in the Trading Post

Literally all you had to do. Maybe next month will have better options for you. The trading post is one of the best things they’ve added and im shocked at how well it’s been implemented. I was really excited today to log in and I rushed right over and that’s pretty cool

Because that’s what your sub pays for, updates to the game, it doesn’t mean they are free. Do the workers who make this possible do it for free? Or are they expecting to be paid for their time?

Based on your theory when they give us a new raid, dungeon or expansion that’s also free right? Our sub doesn’t pay for those?

in order to have to get something for free it literally has to be free

thats why nothing in life is truly free

Yeah last month I just got the pet (already had mount)

This month? Nothing

Over priced tmogs I wont use, the sets aren’t even for a Druid (a plate set/mail set) and I already have the pet.

So I guess I buy nothing this month

ALSO why does the mail set lack a chest? I was going to buy it for my hunter, but like, the fact it’s incomplete ruins it

That is what english sometimes make with the most “modern minds”.

There are different meanings for the word free, but in english, most of them has only that word. Some people cant seem to differentiate them when they speak english.

“No u” is not a valid argument. :roll_eyes:

This just a “I dislike this, therefore, it’s bad, and IT’S NOT FREE!!! EVERYTHING COSTS!!!” But have you like it, you wouldn’t even say anything about it.

And yet, never the same argument was bought up with other things. Only exclusively with this, and only NOW being applied consistently. Where was that argument when we had dragon-riding? Where was that argument when we get corruptions? Where was that argument when we had Warfronts? Visions, Argus, Invasions, etc?.. Like anything?

You still don’t get it, do you? I don’t have to pay anything upfront in order to access the update. You keep on topicswitching over to subs, but this isn’t about subs. Why you’re making this about subs exactly and not arguing on the same topic here?.. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

If i didn’t like Trading posts, i wouldn’t say “MY GOD WERE PAYING EVERYTHING WITH SUBS AND–” No, i would just give my opinions on that alone and leave it at that, and move on from it. Same with Literally everything else in this game.

Where were you in the last few years where people… honest to lord savior crocodile jesus, think, their getting a “Free” mount from a 6 month sub? $90 or so?

Actually I will use them they will go good with this dress and a few other outfits I have. I think they will also go well with some of the white and gray items as well. I bought the pink but those will go better with my mage I hope to get some green for my hunters outfits.

Some of you make no sense. There is only one word in English because it only has one meaning, if you are trying to insinuate that other languages have different meanings based on when, where or how the word is used in a sentence then you need to find the equivalent meaning word/s in English, or use an entirely different sentence to get your meaning across.

Free means free, there is no other way to describe free for the English speaking language, fact is fact, if you pay for access to this game that includes the trading post, it’s no longer free in the sense that you didn’t have to pay for it.

in english its an adverb and the definition;

without cost or payment

That is factually wrong.

Google it.

But thanks for proving my point. I might not be native, but I can asure you I have more degrees in english than most natives ever get.

without cost or payment.

other definitions refer to freedom

I mean some months are gonna be like that.
Everyone’s tastes are varied and subjective to the player.


not under the control or in the power of another; able to act or be done as one wishes.

“I have no ambitions other than to have a happy life and be free”

not or no longer confined or imprisoned.

“the researchers set the birds free”


on the loose

at liberty

at large














without cost or payment.

“ladies were admitted free”


without charge

free of charge

for nothing




at no cost

for free

on the house


paid for



with the sheets eased.

“I kept her off the wind and sailing free until I had all square forward”


  1. release from captivity, confinement, or slavery.

“they were freed from jail”

If you didn’t pay up front you would not have access to the game and therefore, no trading post.

Free in this sense that you are trying so desperately to make it seem like would be if someone who does not own the game and does not pay a sub could simply roll up and access the entirety of the trading post and everything it includes, which you can’t, so it’s not free.

I would say it’s not hard to understand, but you seem to be having trouble understanding it.

And paying for that sub is free? Can I join your magical fairy land of make believe?

When did this become a thread to batchest people?

Just went there, and the glorious dragonriding set has no chest piece. That’s the only thing I wanted. I didn’t see the joker set at all in the list. Yeah was looking forward to another couple of mounts. Nothing there.
I only play the game on tuesdays when I can run old content and farm for mog and mounts. This was a big disappointment for sure.

You keep confusing what i’ve said with subs. Were not talking about subs, so i recommend you stop trying to derail this convro with that and maybe look at the actual questions i’ve bought up. :roll_eyes:

Did we have to pay upfront (not sub, upfront) in order to access the update? Did it wall us off the moment we went over there, and said to us “You must pay in order to access this feature in particular”. Yes, or no? Simple, simple question.

But i do. Were not talking about subs. Were talking about something different from that. Focus.

Where did you get the idea that i was speaking fondly for the people who think “I’m getting a free mount via by 6 month sub!!”?.. Like earth to Akamonk? Hello? :wave: :laughing:

To quote yourself…

There’s a difference between getting a mount (and game time, but let’s be honest on what the people are going for here) for $90, and getting a feature though a game update of no extra cost. And that is obviously the upfront cost to those things.

Yet for the game update exclusively, you seem to think it’s not free because… “Oh you pay a sub to access…” You seem to think we are not already aware of that. Infact, nobody to my knowledge ever bought this up with any other game update or feature, just with this one. Or ever bought up the fact that were paying the game with subs as an argument.

Heck, those things were never bought up to the $90 mount deal, and whenever they were, they get shut down almost instantly by those who support and want more of it.

If the problem is my wording on this, then… Trading Post came to a game update that no extra cost to your sub.

jesus, what have you been smoking?

you sound like a lunatic

i copied the google definitions for senatrix

they said they wanted them googled