Very Disappointed in the Trading Post

Don’t say stuff like that! Now I don’t want to spend anything!



Bro chill out. They gave us 2 mounts in February. That is probably why. :roll_eyes:

:flushed: Oh man, that would be horrible! :grimacing: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :v:t5:

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Haha that’s my current status haha

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Well, you know, mount > all so gotta make sure you get 'em all immediately.

I mean, it kinda is, though.

Store mounts and store xmogs arent free… But its not like you have to pay MORE to use the trading post, right?

If they said “on top of the monthly sub, if you pay us 9.99 youll get access to the trading post” that wouldnt be free.

Again, if the problem you have is wording, trading post came in a game update, and game updates often have no extra cost upfront (not by sub, important distinction) to access like it’s DLC.

And live service games also have free game updates. Not just minor itty bitty ones, but entire content patches. Nobody was saying that “oh WoW is free”.

…Wait, how their lazy?

Maybe you’re talking about TP using old items that have no way to obtained like Pandaren Monks, but i would hardly call that lazy.

Mind pointing out the laziness?

Trading Post is nothing like a Battle Pass. At it’s core, it’s just a collection of meta challenges to do while you play the game to earn rewards. It’s a thing since like nearly 20+ years ago. I’ve even talked about this on my thread. :point_down:

…Aaaaand adding to that list, is Legacy of the Warthog, having challenges to do while you play the game to earn cosmetics (which is btw, pretty cosmetic focused as well there).

So functionally, Trading post is not that different to the other feature’s from other games i’ve listed here.

And why does it have to be new, i ask?..

Why does it have to be new in order to be good exactly?..

I mean, that’s even going on the assumption that “New = good”. Some of the old items are still excellent. Like if i see flame-glaives on there, i wouldn’t go “THAT’S AN OLD ITEM!!”… i would go… "Oh neat! now people will get these because i thought their cool looking, and now you got flame-glavies! yay, go flame-glaives! :partying_face: "

That’s true however OP is missing out on one very important aspect of the Trading Post and that is that if you don’t find something you like this month then there’s always next month.

You end up having a choice then. Either do the quests and get the currency & save it up for next month or take a break and wait til there’s something in there you want and do it then.

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You can also freeze things for the next month or so if there’s something you really want. I still have my Celestial Steed on there. :smiley:

Imma get you Sparkie Horse.

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The flooding of high 200+ tender items on the list needs to stop. The amount of left over tenders is never going to add up to much at this rate. Yes items might come back up but at the same time they’re likely going to keep adding stuff so it makes it even harder to get everything you want from the trading post.

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It’s not free. The developers are getting paid. YOU are paying every month. They’re not doing it out of charity.

It’s cool to give new players a chance to obtain items that were unavailable for more than a decade. But when almost(Almost because I’m not sure if the clown set is new, won’t botter looking up) every item was already in the game, It’s simply a lack of effort on their part. They COULD have done more to make the Trading Post more rewarding, they COULD have at least made sure that there would be an item of each type, or items that people have wanted for years. They did none of that.

As I said, I think it’s cool to give new players a chance to get some of these old items. Stuff that was for sale on some NPC that no one bottered at the time. I don’t want to misinterpret, but, yes, it usually needs to be new to be good. The game needs to move forward and keep adding new stuff, changing the color of the handle on a sword from some half-a-dozen years ago doesn’t classify as new. The Trading Post was the perfect opportunity for them to do it. They could have used it to put sets that were developed but never saw the light of day, they could have used it to sell some pets that were never available to the player, or with new abilities/types that they usually don’t possess, we COULD cite much more stuff, but see how it’s just could? It could have been much more.

Now, you’re free(Truly free) to disagree with me, it’s minor optional content. But I’m paying for the game, I’d like for it to be better.

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That’s unfortunate to hear considering the feature seems to have been received almost entirely positively.

It’s a cool casual little side thing to collect mogs with.


No cap but some of you are hard to please. Just got on myself and puchased both black cloaks, bitcorne & the shirt. I didnt like everything & Im not saying you should like something but damn, from some of the comments some ppl are trolling. Only thing is they should bring down the trader tender price, one item shouldnt almost be half of what an entire set costs, ijs. Im glad i didnt like everything because now i go into next month, 1200+ Trader Tender :+1:t5::+1:t5: Peace


Especially the regular crowd of malicious posters. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:


nothing anywhere is ever free, if you want to pull it back that far

Some real crybabies in here lol . Btw everyone knows wow is p2w so yes nothing’s free. Next post you will forget all about how you don’t like this one when you like the next one. I liked a lot of stuff in there this time to bad.

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I dunno what all the fuss is. The post has all the same stuff as last month.
Im putting my ballot in the “disappointment” box too.

yeah i pay $15 for my sub and the trading post lets me get a bucket transmog offhand. if that’s not winning i don’t know what is


The OP stinks of entitlement.

I’m not expecting a mount EVERY month because of the investment in making a new one each and every month. What I’d do if I was Blizzard is just have the same one every 3 months in a row or something.

I’m good with it.