Very Disappointed in the Trading Post
And threads complaining about an optional way to get them and stuff that simply wasn’t there before and wouldn’t be there for those that like it without it, is


Pixel vomit :weary::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::heart:love it

I just got like four things from there today lol.

I think people were expecting to get zomg ALL the things - Super! Rare! Everything! … and it’s not like that.

FYI - mounts are cosmetics.

We just expected variety.

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well you might be unhappy but i just went there evidently people love it cause its booming there.

I used to work at Target. I can totally see this happening.

Still have my Cestisal Steed frozen. I didn’t get it because i’ve wasted my tendies on other things first. Oh well, April shall it be. :rofl:

Ya know what’s funny? They try to justify this by saying “IT’S NOT FREE!!”… meanwhile i’m still searching far and wide on how i got the trading post for money, and i still don’t see a price tag that came with it. It’s a free update, literally. :man_shrugging:

At least i can give credit to GD for confirming to me that they have no idea what the word “Free” actually means, and just have it mean whenever it’s convenient for them i guess. :laughing:

Oop, speaking of somebody not knowing what the term “Free” actually meant…

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Funny they brought that out, 2 days ago I finally decided to finish farming my Paladin T17 set and less than a day later we found the green set was a reward for this month.

the raid sets coloring are way better than this green pixel vomit lol

The sub you pay.

but but but the sub is just to access the servers!!! … trading post is free!!

The sub is the cost to access the servers and everything on the servers, which includes the trading post. Even for players who pay with gold, it’s still costing someone real life money to get them access.

Until they make this game F2P and offer P2W via a paid battle pass, everything cost someone something, just because it’s new and doesn’t cost you anything additional to what you were paying prior does not mean it is free.

The items suck this month.

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What would been fun is transmogs for mounts. As in, different saddles, bridles, barding, etc.

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Oh okay, so you don’t know what “free” means either. Also, nice topic switch, i wasn’t talking about subs, but hey, whatever convenient for your argument, i guess.

Do you have to pay money for the trading post update itself?.. No?.. huh… Why people say the Trading post is not free then?

Maybe they think the new raids that come with updates aren’t free because… “You’re paying your sub”… No? nobody says that?.. How about these new content zones we get to— Oh look at that, nobody says that about them either. So why this patch got the dubious honor exclusively?.. :thinking:

Okay, what’s your point exactly? “The sub is the cost to access the servers and–” And what?.. Why is that suddenly a problem with you? Why all the sudden you’re now deciding which and which isn’t free exactly?..

Where have blizzard stopped me with a hand in their face and said “You must pay in order to use this update!” that isn’t a sub?.. I’m still waiting on that. Heck, this non-agrument of yours, can be applied to ANYTHING.

Yeah i don’t think you know what the word “free” actually means…

if you dont pay a sub you’re locked out of characters until you do

I don’t think you know what free means TBH, I wouldn’t have the trading post items if I didn’t pay for my sub. NOTHING in this game is free, you pay for the game and everything that is included in the game, pay, with money, like you would pay for lunch, with money, it’ not a hard concept to understand unless you are using daddy’s credit card. I know this forum reaches for things, but jeez this is a new low.

Whaaa the trading post isnt to my specified desires, its clearly a bad system, my confirmation bias tells me so!

Let me put this to you simply. I know you have to sub the game and this game is a premium priced game in order to access everything in the game.

But the objective fact is Blizzard gives these updates at no extra cost to the sub. Even if you don’t pay for the sub even. It’s game updates. That’s what they do. They update the game. With new content. And 99.99% it’s done with no extra cost. Regardless if there’s a sub or not.

And Trading post, happen to be part of that content.

I’m genuinely confused on why were and exclusively calling this one “not free” and then applying this “Everything costs” thing, but haven’t been doing that with everything else, prior to this.

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