Very Disappointed in the Trading Post

Good month to save for us casters.

That’s what I did for February. Start this month with 1250 tenders before getting this months amount. All I got last month was the flail and monthly progression mount. This month I spent a little more because there was more I liked.

Not everything each month is going to appeal to everyone.

Different strokes for different folks is how I see it :man_shrugging:

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evokers cant even show armor though?

I don’t think the trading post needs to have specific types of weapons and armor sets every month. The cloaks for example are for everyone and I think that’s fine.

I do agree however that there should be a mount, as advertised every month.

They also need to uncap the currency so we can continue to earn it after the bar is full. I would like to buy all the items every month.

there doesn’t even need to be a mount, just at least one thing that looks atleast “ok” that i may even possibly consider using one day

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That comes down to taste, sucks there isn’t anything you like. :slightly_frowning_face: You don’t like the treasure cloak?

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I have the flail from last month frozen… So I might just buy that. Haven’t decided yet.

Have you checked to see if it’s still there for you to buy? People are reporting their frozen items weren’t available today.

Why can’t Demon Hunters use the Fel set? It’s a cosmetic, not actual plate. Come on Blizzard… finally something that looks cool and uses our theme, but no…

Well, I liked the mail set, cloak and 2H sword.

You and ur lil bubble can’t speak for everyone. Lol

TP is completely subjective. Hated the last month but really liked this one. If u r not happy with u got for free. Just save it until u find something that u like. Nobody is forcing u to purchase or use something that u don’t like.

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They do in visage form, which I’m always in when not in combat.

Don’t know why you’re arguing so hard for me to not like a thing that I clearly like.


12 a year won’t give anyone an achiev.

I don’t mind that there’s just transmogs for a month. My issue is what’s in there.
Why include just two types of armor sets other than to milk it for future months? Like, at least make them Cosmetic, even if they’re recolours.

And… a metal bucket? Really?
Some funny stuff is fine, but that’s just not something I can see any player use.
Someone can feel free to correct me if they went “OH MY GOD I WANT THAT FOR MY TRANSMOG!” after seeing it.

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I can use parts of the Plate set for my DK. I can use the black hood and cloak for a Rogue.

I can use the bucket on my farmer-herbalist-themed bank alt - I got the wrist corsage and pink scarf for her last month.

I enjoy Pet Battles, so I got the ogre pet last month and I’ll more than likely get the Monk this month.

I froze the Celestial Steed in case there’s nothing I really want that comes up in the next few months.

I have zero interest in transmog.

Pets / mounts - I’m in.

Disappointing month :frowning:


I agree 100%… total disappointment!!

The whole point of the trading post is cosmetics.

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im not shocked people would rage over that. What they dont choose to remember is the steed is over a decade old. I bought it, in like 2010, I havent used it on my account for at least a decade. Anyone angsty over that must seriously HATE the real world.

“Buy 1 get one free”
“50% off sale”
“5 for $50” etc

I can imagine these people kicking down stock displays screaming “I PAID FULL PRICE FOR THAT 15 YEARS AGO!!”

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i purchased way more stuff this month than last month. and yeah, i’ll be using the bucket on my lock.

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