Very Disappointed in the Trading Post

They’re never, literally never, going to make content that everyone likes 100%. Some months will suck for me, some months will suck for you. Everyone’s experience with the TP is subjective.


A few years ago, Blizzard did an interview and answered a question about Armor Dyes. It was stated that they aren’t opposed to adding it. However, if added it would not apply to any legacy armor pieces that came before it. It would be a new way of designing armor pieces altogether.

That said, I don’t think it is high on their priority list and they will just continue offering armor pieces in different colors and textures for variety. Many of the modern sets already come in a variety colors.

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I find some of the things neat. The goal os to not have a set expectation of what they gave us.

well i mean, it would be nice if they created content that atleast someone likes, right?

everyone i know, including myself, has not purchased anything from the trading post thus far.

march didnt give us any items that are atleast somewhat better quality than february, so its probably just a lost cause.

nothing but recolors and buckets for the trading post forever, i suppose

And some people like the content offered this month.

Huh, weird that I purchased a few things already this month. I guess you don’t know “everyone.”


what did you purchase that was actually something you’d use instead of just buying it for the sake of using a currency that is given to you for free?

The dragon rider set. Might buy the cloaks or the shirt too.

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why arent u mogging it now then?

Because it’s on my Evoker.

I went to see the new trading post items, specifically the new mail set and the chest piece is completely missing on my female character. No tattoos or anything, just my characters default bra. So I didn’t buy it.

Anyone else thinking about skipping buying something this round?

It’s all stuff that would be cool to have but it’s not stuff I must have.

Might freeze the mail set.


stablehand doesn’t say that, it says “new and exotic CREATURES” and you got a creature you got a pet in there

Blizzard totally owes you an explanation. I expect them to post any minute now to appease Sativias.


you wouldn’t pay 850 for a recolored WoD normal/heroic pally tier set set?

dude read it wrong it says “new and exotic CREATURES” and “some” will be there at the stables so he’s wrong lol

Plate set looks good wym

i got the better colored sets on my paladin from WoD

nope, the better colors are already available

So let your currency build up in hopes a future month has way better offerings. That is what I plan to do.

What wow players seem to on average (which means not all, but picking one among all it is more likely that this one does) not understand is that when something is said to the community it is not what was said from the source.

First, someone in the tech team will say “We can do it” (because it is code, things like these are ALWAYS POSSIBLE). What we need is X, Y, and Z, and be paid to do it.
Then the financial department will say “we can/cannot pay for it, or to them”.
The legal says “we can/cannot do it” for legal reasons
The Marketing dpt says “we should do/dont do it” based on engagement and acceptance data

After all that, the PR will find out a way to tell you that will or wont be done and why.

But keep in mind, that wont talk about the actual tech, the actual finance or the actual population data. It will be filtered by the PR as “what excuse we can give” for “what we plan to do/dont do”.

But anyone who sees the code of the game and knows how it works knows that saying it is hard or impossible is a load of crap.

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