Very Disappointed in the Trading Post

We were specifically told NOT to expect a mount every month:


Community Council. Right.

That thing they say is to give OUR side to Blizzard, but actually works as a mouthpiece from Blizzard to say what they always say, but through mouths they think we think speak to us.

Yeah, EVE Online got people very aware on how these works.


Like the Vault and every other horrible RNG in this game, the Trading Post is just another feature to bring thousands of players another moment of let down.

So much potential to give players cool stuff, blizzard developers simply hate their player base.

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so this month the ultimate reward is… looking like a clown. oh and last month’s reward is gone. literally, it does not render, mounting it puts you in swim animation (and the unused flight form animation if you’re a dracthyr)

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Just save your tender for next month then.


Bruh lol bruh :rofl: :rofl:

What facts? You have posted your opinion.

Fact: the Trading Post is content.
Fact: you need a sub to access it.
Fact: you can’t access the TP without a sub.
Fact: so you’re paying for the TP
Fact: complaining about the TP isn’t entitlement.
Fact: I’m glad you listed the definition but I’m not the one that doesn’t understand it. Nobody is saying they deserve special treatment. They’re just saying they’re not happy with the selections.
Fact: I’m not going to “mic drop” because I’m not using a 10-year old meme.
Fact: Thinking the NPC said one thing when he actually said another then asking a question for clarification isn’t entitlement.


When I see one, I will be sure not to.

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I hope they fix it for you. Make sure to create a bug report. My mount is still there so it is a glitch somewhere.

Community counsel are like Unions. The socialist authorities say they are important, and fight to have them. The capitalist authorities then proceed to buy them. At the end of the day, they never get anything that wasnt to be done anyways.

And the people who believe in one, are probably the same that believe in the other.

Game Community councel however is bought by a very lower value, just a “plastered title” and bragging rights no one cares.


This is why we will never get armor dye, unlike every other MMO. Blizzard is way too lazy to do anything other than recolor old sets

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drama much?

I like a lot of the items being offered this month.

You not liking the items offered does not equate to the devs being mustache twirling villians who hate their players.


blizzard? fix things? good luck with that.

I’m pretty happy with the variety this month, though not having a mount on the second month when the stable hand says every month? It’s a bit early to backpedal on that one already. What kind of response did they expect?

Why can’t people make criticisms that aren’t ridiculous?


Yeah, I figure it’s like the disappearing real money store stuff. That didn’t effect everyone, either. Which probably makes it harder to track down why it’s happening.

TP is a reward vendor.

The content was already there before TP existed. It’s just WQs and dungeons and raids and pet battles we were already doing.

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And I say again based on facts that I cant really share, but just out of logic they still apply:

“If there wasnt a system to easily recolor armor, Blizzard would have made one, but there is one, an old one even. They just dont make it available to the players for that exact reason. But that is how they do it themselves.”

But consult you favorite nothing to lose tech kid, and even that kid can scrounge the game code to find out it exists.

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Absolutely this. Couldn’t agree more. I personally think the clown outfit….and yes, it looks clownish……is ugly af, but I am not raising my pitchfork over it.

There are a LOT of people that are really excited for this and I’m genuinely happy for them. Not everything is centered around one individual player.

This is monthly, OP, so stop whining over digital items. Every month will have things people like and don’t like.

Trust me. Your game isn’t ruined because you didn’t get a free mount this month.

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the new items are “meh at best”, and the old items paladin t17 recolor is worse looking than the actual paladin t17…and the hailstorm recolor looks worse than the original hailstorm (noting that hailstorm was created 15 years ago).

im not saying blizzard is purposefully doing this because they hate their playerbase but they certainly are lazy and aren’t putting forth any effort.

i thought that the trading post would bring items that would make me go “wow, thats really cool, im excited to have this.”

instead, i look at the items and think “i would literally never use any of this.”


Because GD wouldn’t be the soap opera that it is if people were reasonable.

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There is no way for them to come up with a combination to satisfy everyone . Infact there are some players who believe that existence of the trading post itself is a bad idea , so that gonna be forever thing :rofl: