Very Disappointed in the Trading Post

Well you changed it up… most people have 4 days left. :smirk:

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I do think these complaints scream of first world problems, or whatever the Azeroth equivalent is. That being said, people are entitled to complain about it. :dracthyr_shrug:

"I got shafted by the trading post cause i dont like the way something looks!

i dont think any of you know what the word shafted means


I don’t know… Third world solutions to being duped out of what was promised usually results in some nasty nasty things.

Don’t know what you’re trying to imply with that word salad, but okay!

I got what I wanted off of it, the black colored capes and hoods and the mail armor. Sorry you are not enjoying the trading post op, maybe something down the road will be on there that you like.

Basically it’s a great month for classes that use swords.

You’re dismissing people complaining about being given trash(when they were told they could expect a mount) as “first world problems.” The point is you don’t want to know what happens when you pull that type of behavior in “other worlds.”

Don’t dupe people and don’t belittle legitimate complaints. The safety in doing so is a first world privilege.


nothing was promised bruh lol

dude at the post says “new and exotic CREATURES” and there is one, a pet


Wow, you are being very dramatic. I actually did not dismiss people complaining-- I said they had the right to complain. But again, okay! :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


This is just word vomit. I said nothing is free because we pay a sub for it. Then you said we pay a sub for content. The TP is content. You make zero sense.

Pointing out that the TP should have variety is not entitlement. I’m back to wondering if you know what the word means :roll_eyes:

Then he’s confused, not entitled.

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I don’t think it being a mog shop is a bad thing, but it should have been all crazy, cool unique mogs like the monthly reward. I guess then people would complain about not being able to collect them all in one month so :man_shrugging:

I think this month has much better offerings than last month. That being said, the jester costume looks like it’s from a cross-over with another I.P.

Very jarring, doesn’t fit the setting at all. If this game didn’t already have yeti footsie pajamas, I’d be more upset.

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lol doesn’t want to admit being wrong so posts this :rofl:

Let them complain.


No I post this because you can’t type a complete sentence. You jus say “lol”, “bruh” and “entitled.”

What did you expect there to be?

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Not mad…
Just let down.

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keep showing how mad you are by personal attacks, bruh lol

sorry you dont like facts

fact: people pay for access to servers and expansions for content
fact: no one needs df to get stuff from the trading post
fact: nowhere did they say we were getting a mount a month
fact: people in here are whining there’s no caster stuff and disliking what there is
fact: entitlement definition “the belief that one is inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment”

mic drop see ya