Very Disappointed in the Trading Post

It doesnt say mounts though. At least mine doesnt. Just says creatures.

I would say its a much bigger issue that people arent actually getting their stuff. I just unlocked the Jester costume… but it didnt show up in the chest.

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And here I was thinking “Wow, I’m glad I saved my tender from last month because I really like everything this month.”

Looks like my opinions were just wrong, fam. I’ll send a letter to Blizzard right now telling them they shouldn’t offer different things each month in this free giveaway.


I’m not a transmog type of person myself, but I’m not going to complain about free crap.


The mounts and pets say “Hello!”

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More tokens for next month, stop moaning.

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First world problems.


First, it sounds as if the Trading Post is doing exactly as the feature was described to everyone, in the medium that has been the go to medium for MMOs since forever; the community forums/pages. Your expectations are a tad off base if you expected anything other than what we currently have.

Second, this means that the NPC in game most likely reflects an earlier state of the trading post. That said, they should either update the store or the NPC to reflect that. Did you file a bug report with them prior to coming to the forums to complain about the feature we were told about and received?

Because typically, this stuff doesn’t get changed unless people do, and there tends to be a HEAVY correlation between those who don’t and those who flame.

I would like to see toys, crafting recipes, spell glyphs, added into the list of items. Themed items that go together, from month to month, for example, themed mount first month, followed by same themed transmog the next month, same themed toy third month, so on and so forth. Maybe a sneak peek of some items for the next month too could be interesting.

Your trope is lazy, unimaginative and passe.

Its not a battle pass. The trading post is essentially a place to spend your acheivement points on cosmetics. Ive always wanted achievements to actually mean something. Search something in the achievement menu. Chances are they can also give Trader tokens.

You can, XD.

I want an actual cloak that covers the head, shoulders, back, legs.

Its not achievement points you are spending on stuff its Trader Coins…its listed in your currency tab on your character panel along with other currencies…

The endcap reward, the jester outfit, is nice looking and obviously a lot of effort went into it. It’s animated at multiple points, has some physics and energy visual effects, and even though the shoes are unique on feet they went out of their way to have the “shoes” look good on races with retrograde legs too.

I mean, not everyone’s going to like it and that’s fine, but you really can’t look at it in action and say “zero effort!”

Clown mog entering the gates on a glad mount. Can’t wait.

I like it so far tbh

i have trouble hearing lowbie classic toons with a low post count.

you’ll have to troll a bit louder…

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A strange thing to say in a reply. You contradict yourself, unoriginal non-thinker.

That was a blizz employee. It was in regard to people using things that made them look like the other faction in pvp. They said you needed to be easily identifiable by the other team and allowing any visual faction changes would be confusing.

…that obviously didnt last…

A unique one was given last month, I think it is a very good feature, not everyone will like everything but there is always next month right. If we complain when they add new things, I don’t think it will encourage them to add more features in the future.