Very Disappointed in the Trading Post

I agree, this sucks

we’ve always been able to use things like Orb of Deception in pvp.

looking like the opposing faction clearly isn’t an issue.

“back in the day”, you could determine how geared a person was by simply looking at them.

now, with transmog, you have no idea who is going to melt your face.

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^^ The bunny cow speaks truth.

Okay, so… more activities to do, bi weekly, more things to buy with tenders including new stuff, and no earning cap.

…Aren’t we all creatures?

Plus, it’s a different kind of Pandaren monk. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m sure by creatures, they mean something like Battle Pets which… does count as a creature still.

I kind of understand where you’re coming from since they set a high standard with the mount.

…Is that Why Blizzard made this patch and Trial of Style? Because a lot of people do not really care for tmogs? I mean that seems like to me, a lot of people care about tmogs… Heck, there even store mogs. :thinking:

Still like to see solid concrete evidence from Blizzard’s mouth or etc on where people keep getting the idea that meta challenges is “battle pass”, though i have a sneaking suspection they might not know what a battle pass is…

…Mind citing where they’ve said it’s susposed to be for everyone?

… If you say so… :roll_eyes:

PBht, what? :laughing:

“OH they suck, that’s why… everyone can wear them, because… THEY SUCK!!..”… okay? :rofl:

Okay this is just getting nitpicky now, like, can we focus on the main parts you want us to focus on and not their english?..

This i agree with, it shouldn’t be broken and they need to seriously fix it. Display issues, aren’t gamebreaking, but it’s still annoying.

people honestly expected blizzard to put store worthy or gladiator/ksm/aotc mounts in the free content pool every single month. they expected all the legion tower skins to cycle through every month. like come one its literally free stuff you cant expect the top notch stuff every month. you will get some cool stuff relax dear lord lol.

check your bags lol i dont get the items i chose from my chest all the time. if i check my chest for tender then buy an item its in my bags waiting to be clicked on.

you jsut trying to be argumentative. anyone that has been playing wow has been paying a sub. new content added that rewards monthly play. nothing has changed. except your now “free” rewards. stop being obtuse just to argue.

Don’t feel like farming something with a 0.01% drop chance for all eternity. I think I’ll stick to the guaranteed recolor I can buy with 900 tender once a month.

Is it just me, so many of the transmogs are just so plain/ vanilla wow?

This month I don’t see anything for me… that’ awesome and exciting. Sorry it’s just my opinion. Mounts are awesome! But also you can only ride one at a time. But… I am collecting. So…
I did notice too… it looks like March is Swords month? Why?


I really hope we are not about to have this kind of asinine threads every month a “special kind person” doesn’t get something they love from the trading post.

It’s so dumb

its gained from the chest, its a bug. several “fixes” that are hit or miss like leaving the zone and coming back, logging, waiting a certain amount of time like an hour.

Don’t worry that Institutional green is designed to calm you down :rofl: not sure why everybody gets more angry the more they see of it :crazy_face:

I don’t get complaining about this.

There is nothing I want this month and I was a bit disappointed because the tender is cash burning a hole in my pocket. :slight_smile:

However I’m happy to sock this months coins away for next month or another month where I’m going to want all the things.

It’s a fun addition to a game I’m already playing. So… what’s there to be mad about?

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Because the casuals and roleplayers steamrolled over them XD

Surprised I don’t see this more. But I am a bit annoyed how the trading post has become the df equivalent of how islands were used for long-unused transmog. Like all the stuff we saw in 10.0.5 datamining and you just realize,

“oh yeah a lot of these pieces will come up at the same time, and you can’t get them cause currency limitations and you only have 1 freeze slot.”

So I’ll have to wait for them to wrap back around, and who’s say how/if blizz will repopulate monthly offerings once duplicates come around. Will that slot be “dead” just like how the celestial steed and pandaren monk pet are? Or will they bump up invisible stock to fill the spot.

So really it just becomes a waiting game and not really something to actively engage. And thus it falls flat. I can understand the newer made mogs to be restricted to the store but the alt tint hailstorm, like dude just throw that on a vendor for us to spend our old currencies on. The mount recolors can stay as high tender cost or as monthly fill the bar rewards though.

Playing the waiting game has gotten old, and I am not inferring it as sub retention. It’s just boring. Like the reintroduction of wod alt profession skins reminded me of the dogwater draenor secrets. The daily wait is so boring that I have missed days on doing it cause it’s not stimulating. Aka like the trading post.