Very Disappointed in the Trading Post

Lol, did you really expect non-cosmetics? I did see a mount I could purchase btw… so yea, there is that.

LOL chalks one up too Nobully…hehe

Come on now folks…give it 6 months too a year before saying Yeh or Nay to Trading post…so far there has been some nice things offered…yes we have some buggy issues but that happens with new code sorry to say…and yes its frustrating too to spend large amounts of gold only to have your mog disappear the next time you log in…

who promised?

are you really going to go full Karen about the stable masters blurb?
…the panda is a new and exotic creature.

what’s next?
are you going to call security because you want dirty beggars like Topper McNabb thrown out of the city for asking for copper?


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What about the pandarian monk battle pet didn’t have to buy it.

There were two mounts already. There’s not going to be 2 every month. Nothing was misleading about this.

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And also garrlok don’t forget he was first

I still haven’t seen anything from the Trading Post that has made me feel like “Omg I need that”.

You must not collect Battle pets

I collect Battle pets and don’t like buying them from the game so this is free for me who doesn’t like free stuff

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There was a mount last month. Im sure they will add more mounts to the post in the future. I hope its more store mounts so we can get those mounts by playing the game instead of swiping a credit card. Good change.

Free is always better than paying I agree

Oh yeah. A blue crab, purple cloud serpent, a new war turtle and a purple parrot has already been datamined.

Can’t wait.

This month’s version of the Post really does dip its toe into looking a lot more like a Battle Pass.

By comparison to last month, it gets a “meh” on what you can buy.
A lot of the activities this month, however, aren’t really the “you’ll do them naturally”.

Lots of "while under the effects of " in there…if you don’t have the toy, you either have to go grind out the toy (or buy it, etc.) or you’re out on those items.

They seem to have cut a bunch of open world compared to last month too.

It’s kind of sad you can’t use any mounts in df for now

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Wow this got some attention huh.

The trading post does have some attraction and some good things going for it and I am not hear to knock the effort that was made. Since we are dealing with a Billion dollar company, that charges us monthly; I think we can hold them to a higher standard. Please read:

Do not advertise anything you can not deliver on.

Do not put an NPC in that states:
"Every month new and exotic mounts and creatures arrive in the Trading Post.
You can see some of what the Seabraids have to offer right here."

SO I pay monthly, then can not say anything for false advertising? Just remove the NPC or change his wording. Why are we misleading customers?

There is literally no creatures or mounts so everything that NPC says is false. The only pet is a Pandarian Monk … and technically that is a class and a race. Not a creature or a mount. (would that be wow racist to consider a monk a creature lol)

You realize that a lot of people do not really care for Tmogs right? I freakin hate that. Cool sets are suppose to be collected and Blizzard has gone the route of battle passes and CoD skins. And that’s fine, it’s just not my cup of tea.

The trading post is suppose to be for everyone. Where are the cool toys (none in 2 months), the monthly mount? Guess not. Pets - only 1 this month. So that leaves only tmogs. And nothing for casters except 1 sword. (cloaks do not count, they suck and everyone can wear them).

So I guess the trading post should be for everyone "every couple of months " then correct?

Why are there so many grammatical errors? There is line with one of the items in the shop that goes like this: blah blah “an green” blah blah. You do not need to put “an” before green, it should be “a”. Come on Blizzard…this is literally elementary school English crap.

The trading Post has been riddled with bugs on launch. And more afterwards. Even at the end of the month, everyone got a quest to go see the Trading Post Feb 27th. You go there, it gives you 500 tender (that does not count) and nothing else. Just more broke and bugged things. People were all standing around like wtf. And then come March first, for some people, item that were locked, no longer appeared. And we know they will fix this, but come on. What is this, trading post major bug #8 or #9… lost count.

PS: You know what I liked about the first month, minus all the bugs… there was 2 mounts and the monthly mount that changes from day to night, was pretty cool I thought. There was a couple Tmogs and a variety and thought it started off well. Now its ONLY Tmogs…

Like I said just call it the traveling tmog shop…

Please, no more cloaks on the trading post for a while. There have been what, like 6 of them in the first two months? Most have been super lazy/uninspired too. I’m not counting the treasure chest, as it is something that is actually unique to the back slot beyond cloak #2343.

-Edna Mode

Trading Post is very disappointed in YOU



yeah i was disappointed also. No mounts?

the plate armor looked ok at first glance. but no thanks.

almost got the shield though. it looks pretty cool

talk about a technicality…
of course it’s a creature.
how is it not a creature?
why would it be racist, when every living breathing thing on earth is a creature?
…does Azeroth have a different meaning of “creature”?

there was no false advertising… i have no idea why people have started to do this thing where they try to make words mean something other than they actually do.