Very Disappointed in the Trading Post

You keep getting confused here mate. You keep on defaulting to subs, which i think that’s your hung up. (And for really no good reason)

I’ve put it to you as simple as i can with this.

Game updates come with no extra cost.
Nobody, but you are saying the game itself is free.

Still didn’t get an upfront charge to access the feature itself. You keep missing this point and by that point, it’s intentional at this point.

If you dislike this so much to a point where you’re shouting “THIS IS NOT FREE!!” at other people, then why not just vote with your wallet here and unsub? :thinking:

Blizzard has been reusing content/assets for as long this game was going, including recolors that, btw, you guys were completely fine with in raids, dungeons and so on. Only NOW you’re complaining about this?..

Yes, they should uncap the tendies, add in more activities and make it a weekly thing instead of monthy.

…Are you speaking for other people? Because i’m sure there’s people who might want the old stuff too… or, are you just going to conveniently leave that out?

There’s a fallacy called “Appeal to novelty”.

Why though?..

The game has done fine and will continue to do fine with it’s slow approach to content making speed. Idk why people really want devs to “Churn the content out of a speed of light, or else THIS GAME WILL DIE” and all that doomsaying talk and etc. (That’s usually what it’s followed up with.

You’re acting like this is zero sum thing here. Like they have to make new stuff, constantly, always or else you would think it’s a failure. They can do both and to be completely honest, i find this community’s obsession with new stuff while being perfectly okay with old stuff (and even genuinely liked an expansion that required you to go though old stuff, Legion), is baffling. Like, this should be amazing to you guys, and yet… what? Ya suddenly changed your mind? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Again, you’re acting like that stuff would never happen in the future or anything. Like, where did you get this idea that Blizzard said explictly “Were not going to put stuff that never made it into the game, into the game though TP”?..

…This is a cosmetic system. What abilites are you expecting from them exactly?.. You mean Toys? Yea sure, toys can go in too.

What we still have is good. I think your problem here is there isn’t as a bunch of stuff here all in one go. Which if that’s the case, why not just be honest about it and say “I want a bunch of stuff all in one go” instead of being dishonest and inconsistent with your “IT’S NOT FREE!” non-arguments then?

…Yes. It is. It literally is.

That’s one of my arguments actually. It’s surprising you think i would even disagree with this, when it’s a fact that it is a minor optional content.

So is everybody else here. :palm_up_hand:

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At least two options are just recolors of existing items. It’s a joke.

It’s better then the valentine/pride looking crap last month.

My only issue is with the hooded cloak, instead of offering a variety of colors on it the first month then moving on to something more unique, clearly we are just going to get the same thing for who knows how long in various colors.

Well hopefully you didn’t just sub just for the monthly FOMO.

I don’t think it’s intended that there’s a big thing you want to buy every month. You wouldn’t have enough tender.

It’s literally just for cosmetics. Mounts, outfits, pets. I don’t know what you expected from it. They throw things in there that they’ve made over the years and never added, or things that the art team cooked up during downtime.

It wasn’t invented to be a huge earthshattering feature. You interact with it once a month.


Folks, the “Trading Post” is a copycat (from other games) Subscription Retention scheme, implemented to increase corporate revenue. That’s it.

And I like how I got a breadcrumb quest to send me back to the trading post two days early, when nothing new was there. QA is still cranking out turds. :+1:

who cares? i’d be subbed anyway and now i’m getting more stuff for it

Everything about this expansion is just boring imo…

I’m glad many people are happy with it, and maybe I’m just a Grumpy Old Orc… but I just don’t feel a bit of excitement so far in Drafonflight…

I don’t even log in much these last few weeks…

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I think it is ok but worry that there isnt enough trader tender. Would take the plate set, that cool little treasure chest and possibly the black cloak. Like all things we get little real feedback from Blizzard so am left wondering if the items will come back into rotation again?
Glad I paid for the Panda Monk already so that’s out of the equation.

Yea you know every hunter and evo gonna rock that welfare tmog now

And here we go again …only the 2nd month that the trading post has been out and we still have those that keep complaining…the same ones that want everything handed too them right away with no work at all…its give me give me give me…attitude…

I’m sceptical to how frequent things will rotate.

Seems like a FOMO trap atm.

So, you’re saying we aren’t entitled to the mount just because it’s promised?


Well, maybe next month…

Those cloaks are nice at least.

Personally I feel that these T-Mogs shouldn’t have restrictions. Let Cloth users wear that plate set, darn it.

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Honestly, I really just want mounts. I think it is ludicrous that we get the same sword with similar colors, sold separately, for 225 tender each… Like, why? The sword is so basic, too.

Also, is anyone else just not motivated enough to actually unlock this stuff? I can barely bring myself to do anything in this game anymore. I do anything in this game and I immediately want to just log off. Basically, I play for barely 30 minutes a day. It sucks. I wish I was able to have fun in this game again.

Sounds like the op wants to speak to the manager.

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The jester helmet pairs perfectly with the acrobatic animations of a monk, I’ve been enjoying it a lot on my mistweaver. Rolling around, doing back flips with Rising Sun Kick, spinning around with Spinning Crane Kick. Oh my god, the jester helmet is amazing.

Was going to buy the mail set, but I’m waiting for the chest piece bug be fixed. In the meantime, I bought the black hood and cloak ensemble for the base of a dark ranger transmog. I’m still not satisfied with some of the available mail slots, it would be really nice to get a pair of high-res cuffed black boots & gloves. A black belt with a 3D buckle would be great, too.

Treasure chest back piece is amazing. No plans for it, though. At least, not yet. Considering we only get 1k tender per month I went ahead and froze it to see whats available next month.

I’m kind of blown away by the March trading post. Wasn’t a whole lot of stuff for me last month, but at least I had a lot of tender left over for this month.


you could do something crazy like go farm any of the already existing mounts which you don’t have.