Versatility in 10.1 - Council Link

Looking to have some PvP support in this thread about the Versatility descrepencay in PvP. The amount of Vers you get from certain gear sets to the next is nowhere near each other. They say they read every thread, but I think the more support a thread gets, it has more weight to it.


Bro can’t spell discrepancy :skull:


Glad that was your takeaway from the entire thing. Legendary.




Leather: 1287
Mail: 181
Plate: 172
Cloth: 267

Who decided those stats should be like that has no business working on PvP sets.
I’d ask what kind of logic they used, because there doesn’t appear to be any. :confused:


Sorry. maybe not the best comment, but to clear any confusion what do you mean by this? I thought each class had a different tier set with completely different stat weights?

That’s the issue, in PvP there should be the possibility to have the same amount of versatility, not be dependent on what armor type you have.


Yea, but I mean each class, not armor specialization

Not sure, those are OP’s numbers, i just added them for visibility.

Also there are two main problems with Sets:

  1. There are no PvP related set bonuses (which should be much easier for balancing). Why not taking an example from WoD, which was perfect expansion in terms of PvP gearing.

Because of that, some sets doesn’t even make sense, or doesn’t help at all in PvP.

  1. Set items have bad predefined stats: Example rogue gear sets have haste stat on 3/5 items. Not a single spec is using haste right now in both PvE and PvP…

Why just not give players item sets without stats and let ppl modified them with Draconic Missives for example ?


Idk every specs preferred stats but these are obviously tuned for PvE and in the past I know outlaw loved versa there so that probably has a lot to do with it. Just another reason why PvP should have it’s own tier sets, or at the very least converting a PvP piece to tier should just add the effect and not change the stats. Seriously doubt they care though.

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Yes sir/mam. I do not, nor do I pretend to know everything about every spec. Their inside and their outside, their min/max dam either. I am simply here to link my thread, which I thought was sufficient, and maybe the Devs will take a look deeper at this one, which is also attached.

They say they look at, and read every thread posted in Comm. Council, so I hope that I can link from here, and they will get more insight. Insight that I cannot provide as a poster myself. I cannot, and will not pretend to know the ins and outs of every spec, just hope I can bring attention to those that need it is all.


This is something that came up in Beta as well, and they ended up tweaking stat allocation to make versatility more evenly distributed.

Funny how they didn’t learn their lesson for the next tier.


Efx killing it on the council!


what is Blizzard’s reasoning for that stat differential, if you do not mind sharing , as it could give insight as to why it was done and thus educate the average person aka non-developer

PvE tier shouldn’t be active in PvP to begin with. Vers shouldn’t be the “pvp stat”, pvp should have res or power back instead of stacking a pve stat. Stat customizability is nice when people want to try different builds, but that’s impossible when you’re locked in to using tier and have to sacrifice a secondary simply to ensure you’re putting on enough vers

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Thank you for your service. :saluting_face:

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I remember you made a great post that a member of the Blizzard team reacted to. Could you try to promote my appeal again in your form on the сouncil forum? We need higher inflation before the end of the season. There is not much time left. Help us please.

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I actually did have a post that a Blue responded to. It sounded like S1 is basically is on “autopilot” and that they will be monitoring Season 2 more accordingly. Be that either Shufflle MMR/CR climbing being easier than regular 2s/3s, or if they’ll end up buffing the CR gains from regular 2s/3s. Not sure how they approach it because you do sit longer queues, but it is easier to climb depending on your lobby, ya know?

I wouldn’t put it past them to buff 2s/3s while nerfing RSS becuase of the fact that shuffle is easy to gain rating (+88 CR for example) versus regular 3s getting a bigger “ghost” mmr increase.

Thread is here:

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Blizzard’s habit of simply cutting their time and attention off something like a patch, a season, an expansion, is disgusting and im so sick of it. I paid for the expansion like everyone else, i pay my sub like everyone else, but i don’t get to enjoy the game like everyone else simply because they threw out an untested spec rework mid season, said “oops” and gave out a few token nerfs that didn’t fix anything really and that spec still dominates everything else in strength, and then the people we all paid and continue to pay for this game mode just walk away from the season? This is nonsense, and i hope that if a dev ever sees this, they tell Ion and Holinka that i personally hate them as people over their decisions that ruined a game i put so much of my free time and money into.

Whining isn’t going to fix anything but I’ll feel better temporarily.


It would be nice to see pve get the attention it needs on every patch like 10.1,10.2 and 10.3 etc.

Could we possibly make the patches between those primarily focus on PvP? Like 10.1.5, 10.2.5 and 10.3.5? This game has great potential for PvP but it feels like it’s constantly on the back end of the priority list.

If versatility is the PvP stat then it would also be nice to not see any gear in raids offer this stat. No end tier boss should be dropping bis PvP pieces and have higher item level than what’s obtainable in PvP.

PvP also needs its own tier sets. It seems like people ask for this a lot, would it be really that hard to do? The game felt better when this was a thing for me personally. It also seems like it would be more fun and easier to balance. You could get crazy with pve tier sets and make them inactive in instanced pvp. The pvp sets could be tailored for pvp but also not work in instanced pve content.
