Tier Versatility Lopsided in 10.1

Seems like all classes share the same Vers, and the gear type is what dictates what amount you get stat wise for Versatility:

Leather: 1287
Mail: 181
Plate: 172
Cloth: 267

Versatility is the main secondary stat for almost every spec in PvP. This is giving Leather classes way more Vers than everyone else, while also making those other classes lose out on a ton of Vers. This happened at the start for season 1, and it was tuned a bit. It seems we’re reverting back to those numbers in season 2.

This hurts optimization in PvP, having to piggyback off of PvE stats, and it makes specs squishier. Outside of balancing the numbers more evenly, can we get some sort of choices when it comes to PvP tier? Some slots feel bad getting Mastery and Crit when I do not use them.


PvP tier should definitely keep the PvP stats. It feels so bad when you feel like you have to choose between secondary stats or your set bonus on classes that have more underwhelming tier bonuses.