Versatility in 10.1 - Council Link

Lol what??? Leather has twice the versatility of all the other armor types combined?? :rofl:

That’s what the OP posted, i added them for visibility, i haven’t checked if every class follows the same.
Even if only for some classes, it’s clearly busted allocation.

Yeah, this seems off if you wear cloth why would you be allocated more versatility? So, from a damage perspective armor only reduces physical damage and versatility reduces all damage.
So, because they wear cloth or leather they get extra of a stat that gives them more physical damage reduction then the higher armor would provide and more reduction to all other damage? What armor you wear shouldn’t matter versatility should be standard across all sets of gear imo.

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careful, keep in mind this is mainly a PVE game , and in the major part of the game armor does matter

Thank you for your reply!! :slightly_smiling_face:

The second part of the sentence matters. We are discussing armor in relationship to Versitility, which is primarily a PVP stat. So, the statement is referring to the point that whatever armor you wear shouldn’t matter on how much Versitility you get allocated. Cheers!!

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Pretty sure verse shares the same stat weight across the board. Mastery, Haste, and crit are scaled based on spec though.

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point taken, in that same realm of armor mattering, would you include set bonuses then? ( meaning making them locked out of PVP settings?

As a monk, I feel like I’m not even wearing gear 90% of the time, and that I’m actually just running around in arena naked. It’s interesting that leather has so much more versa even with that fact.

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Hello again,

Sorry for the confusion here, I’m not saying “armor” doesn’t matter I’m saying that the armor type your class wears should not effect the amount of Versitility it gives. There are reasons why melee classes tend be be given heavy armor, while ranged classes tend to be given lighter armor.
As far as set bonuses are concerned I do think it would be nice if PVP sets gave a PVP related bonus, while PVE sets gave a PVE bonus, being the two environments are quite different. Thanks again for your reply!! :wink:

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Agreed, I think a standard amount of Versitility for all sets would be better. This would also give Blizzard a standard baseline in terms of this stat when making defensive balance changes.

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Let him have this W. It’s the one thing he has left. he usually can’t string together 3 letters to make a word so he’s proud he knows this one or had a dictionary near by :rofl::joy:

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Remove tier set from PvP. It’s not like they can handle balance with anything else added in.

More importantly,
Place Vers only on PvP gear.
Vers is just PvP Power. No difference.



Verse needs to be a PvP only stat.


This is how used to work at wotlk, pvp armor by it own and with a exclusive pvp stat “resilience” if im not wrong.

The main problem that people complains at that time, was that you cant use “resilience” at all at pve content.

Idk why they change this, but pvp should be a different game with different rules, its HARD balancing 2 complete different worlds at the sime time and forcing have a “connection” between them.

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bring back reforging


pvp should really have their own sets
outside of tanks and a few specs, most classes don’t want versatility on their tier, but PvPers really want it everywhere because we don’t have our own stat anymore
the solution is really simple if they’re unwilling to bring back resil or something that functions in that capacity
pvp tier should get it’s own stat priorities separate from PvE tier
ideally their own sets altogether separate from PvE but it’s clear that blizzard just doesn’t want to reimplement it for whatever reason


Eh, maybe. I feel like it’s mostly just kind of a control stat to prevent us from doing crazy stuff with mastery/haste. Vers itself, unless I’m fried isn’t a fantastic stat for output in a lot of cases.

Compatibility across pillars. You can take raid gear into keys, keys into pvp, etc. Obviously not at 100% effectiveness, minus the oddball bis piece that carries over but it’d kind of break that to have PvP get its own thing and/or be quicker to acquire.

Looks like Cammack lost his Council status
 Makes sense after the fried take from that thread.

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Can you clarify your original post.

Are you saying that leather tier gear is weighted more towards versatility vs the other armor classes?

If so put that as your first sentence because i was having trouble understanding what the post was about.

“Seems like all classes share the same Vers” is whats confusing me.
Do you mean all classes have versatility as their highest stat priority?