Versatility be gone

Not saying it’s true across the board, but crit/haste/mastery can have far more of an effect on playstyle/rotation than vers does. There are many proc-based talents that work off of crit, haste can change rotations as cooldowns shrink, and mastery can also affect things depending on the class (e.g. holy paladins wanting to be closer to who they’re healing the more mastery they get). Not saying it’s always a major difference, but there often is one whereas versatility offers zero difference, 100% of the time. It’s a completely redundant stat damage-wise with strength/agility/intellect.

I’d almost rather see it replace leech as a tertiary stat or added as a new tertiary stat, but maybe with only the damage reduction component.

I agree hate verse with a passion

A lot of specs function around crits. Maybe Blizz should buff demo a bit then so crit is more valuable

Agreed. A boring mastery exists for many specs but mastery is also different for everyone and is what I’d consider spec identity.

Yea vers is boring. Maybe they should add more synergies with vers like they do with other stats?

Usually the best stat for casters but hit or miss for melee

Get rid of all stats except for one: item level. Bake all of the other stats into item level, which is basically what it already does since item level defines an item’s stat budget. We don’t need Intelligence, Agility, Strength anymore. It’s defined by item level and it changes depending on the class/spec anyway. Crit, haste, mastery, stamina, etc. all gets passive defined by item level.

Too boring? Want some customization? Fine, each piece of gear gets one or two modifiers defining what secondary stat(s) the item level favors over others. Gems can be added to some pieces that further emphasize which secondary stats are favored. Maybe slip reforging back in.

Stat squishes become all but a thing of the past when all of our stats and ratings are just the item level number added to everything. Easy.

No, you’re missing the point. I’m not talking from an optimization stand point. If that’s what your’e going by, being able to fully customize the stats on gear will always win.

Hit/expertise could screw you and it was absolutely necessary to have those stats at certain values to be effective and to not go overboard. That’s not the same as doing a bit of slight optimization.

Not really. Reforging a bit of haste into crit or whatever it your class likes does not make or break you like hit/expertise did.

They should remove it. They’re already forcing certain classes to abandon, who did lean on it, it to get their talent trees to function (Pally for example).

No, you are wrong if you think that reforging a small amount of one current secondary stat into another is going to affect you as much as hit/expertise did back in the day. It’s not even close.

Sure, reforging let you optimize stats a little for a minimal DPS gain. There’s a reason that the primary stats that reforging targeted first was hit and expertise, because those had a much larger impact.

Those stats are gone now, so the major reasons for reforging are gone. This doesn’t have to do with player agency, reforging a tiny bit of haste into crit or whatever it is that your class wants is a minimal upgrade. It doesn’t matter that much.

Ya. Templates worked so well in legion pvp. Theyve tried this. Jt was horrendous. It still would be.

Changing large portion of stats can be a TC or strategy decision. Templates change all that.

I’m being slightly facetious with my proposal but honestly all I’m proposing is just take the numbers off the screen and keep them on the character panel where they belong.

It would still matter a lot on specs with soft caps on secondary stats, like frost mage.
Being able to reforge into/out of crit would have been a huge blessing.

With the current secondary stat system, it is still possible to just use different gear or to use crafted pieces to get the perfect itemization.

But even perfect itemization compared to ok itemization still isn’t nearly as impactful as having 15% of your spells simply miss. Hit and expertise were such huge factors that you had to have ways to reforge it onto gear if you were lacking it.

A bit of optimization in the current system simply does not compare to the impact those stats had.

Eh, you could also do that before.
They removed Reforging to “let gear be gear”, then added upgrading…

Also, 85% hit chance just meant on average you’d do 85% of your damage.

The same way 1% crit just means 1% more damage on average, not counting talent/spell interactions.

It sucked because our ability profile is not linear, and losing one auto shot is not the same thing as losing one aimed shot.

Yes, Hit/expertise caps were huge, but the soft caps for some specs are also very important.

Personally I like Versatility as a stat.

More damage out, less damage in.

Nothing wrong with that.

Personally speaking, I think vers is fine, as its one of the many stats that some classes use while others gleefully ignore.

I think the real problem is how badly classes require certain secondary stats that can make or break their specs.

Only real way I feel that could fix that is either bringing back reforging, redesigning all the classes so they don’t need those secondary stats to function, or redesigning gear itself so the secondary stats aren’t important.

None of which are easy.

I think vers is mainly there as a filler stat to pad your scaling late into an expansion, when it takes less pieces to reach each of the other stats breakpoints.

It just happens to be best stat for the odd spec here and there, due to their otherwise poor synergy with secondaries. Removing versatility would feel VERY bad for these classes.

versatility increases damage you do to others it makes all healing to self and others more powerful and decreases ALL damage done to you. in otherwords it is the stat classes that are do self heals when they damage which also works great if you have leech plus the warlocks powers that take life so not only will you heal more you take less damage do more damage and this goes the same for other classes but it is not useful for classes that are straight up just damage which is why it isnt made for them. so if you hate versatility and you dont play a class that needs it your opinion isnt a factor as you have no reason to be in such a debate to begin with.

Versatility isn’t the most interesting stat, but we already have so few stats I’d rather not get rid of any unless it’s to replace it with something more interesting.

versatility is more does what leech does it does what armor does and does what the primary power stat does but alll in one but unlike what armor rating it decreases damage taken from all souces not just physical so if your playing a pally or warlock or any class that relys on dots or does self heal damaging like again pallys its a life savor

I’d like if they took vers and changed it from the current 1/.5 damage increase to reduction and made it 1/1 (or .75/.75 with total scaling) to more firmly move it to a defensive stat, then returned spirit the same way they did with the bootz from DoTI where its a chance to refund resources, so its has value to non-healers but is still more focused towards them.

I like having the options for everyone to gear more tanky so I definitely dont want it gone all together.