Versatility be gone

Should they remove versatility and just have critical strike / haste / mastery as the go to stats? Or no, versatility must remain?


Why should they remove it?


i found multistrike to be a much more fun stat
pretty sure it only got removed cause ele shaman


I miss versatility since classic focused to be honest.

More useful than resilience when needing to pve for some need.

And when balance has gone to crap in the pastā€¦well you were still getting face planted even in pvp sets full gem unlocks.

Still getting dropped, at least vers would helped damage meters.


Admittedly, itā€™s a boring secondary stat, and thereā€™s not really any creative or exciting way for a specā€™s talents to incorporate it to scale the way they can with haste, crit, and/or mastery.

Though, Idk if itā€™s different for tanks or healersā€¦


I dunno about losing vers. It gives a different aspect at a certain level of gameplay. Like itā€™s never one Iā€™ve really enjoyed but I know itā€™s necessary.

It also beats most ā€˜alternativeā€™ proposals people have asked for.

Without vers:

  • My hunter, kaput
  • My tanking diminished
  • Tank/DPS monks vanished

Multistrike is just confusing. Its a half step away from behind redundant because the baseline effect is just crit but not. Itā€™s confusing in FFXIV with Crit and Direct Hit as well. Not good design IMO.

Versatility does feel a bit pointless too. It works for non-DPS due to the nature of the stat, but for DPS itā€™s just a worse version of primary stat and a less interesting version of Mastery (both being "number go up, but at least mastery is spec specific).


I think its meant to basically be a ā€˜survivability statā€™ with a damage boost to help it not feel horrible.


Vers conceptually is fine but I donā€™t like it along with mastery but think mastery is more of a total snooze of a stat unless you got something like arms warrior or elemental shamans who has a visible mastery.

So either give everyone some kind of really cool and visible mastery other than ā€œhit/heal/tank more goodā€ or just merge mastery and versatility imo. Or leave it as is. Iā€™m not gonna lose sleep either way.

I donā€™t especially care these days, i must say though, all of these little gems in remix are a blast, i hope they bring some of them into the next expansion.

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Itā€™s a stat that reduces damage and allows you to deal more, why would you want it removed?


Yeah, except the damage part is good enough that its a relevant stat along with the other 3, its just redudant in terms of function (as DPS in a PvE setting)

Yeah, but from a pve perspective, you could just argue:

  1. higher ilvl make survivability go up
  2. tune encounters such that versatility isnā€™t necessary so people can invest in other stats

When I used to play havoc demon hunter, the best stats were haste by a loooong shot, followed by Vers

Vers was the second best stat because the other two secondaries straight up sucked, and that felt bad.

Again, not thinking about tanks or heals cause I wonā€™t pretend to know about that, but imo, as a dps spec, if versatility is the first or second best secondary stat, that indicates the spec isnā€™t well-designed to scale with other secondaries


show me on the doll where versatility hurt you


all stats should be destroyed and go back to spell power, crit, attack power etc.

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I donā€™t feel the need for it on my Warlock, but past +7s Iā€™ve started feeling the need for more of it on my Hunter. I feel so squishy.

I understand itā€™s easy enough for us to then just ask for buffs to Hunter survivability but having some aspect of control myself is nice.

Given the nature of the game this isnā€™t really possible cause M+ goes as high as you want.

They could give all classes passive shields like warlocks get from their damage or bring back Sporecloak in its full greatness but I doubt theyā€™ll go for that.

Yesh I agree with this

Vers is the only main stat used in TWW so no its not going away.


I guess what I ultimately think is that, given how static a secondary stat versatility is, you could simply bake it into ilvl.

Why not, right?

That leaves players kinda at the mercy of class defensive balancing (assuming all were max ilvl). Which given the track record initially for all mail class but now mostly hunter/shaman is gonna leave them in the dust.

(For context Iā€™m 520 on my hunter andyes, ack I will probably be 529 by end of season, Iā€™m getting there but it feels so much easier to live on any other DPS. )

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Then what, OP?

Letā€™s think about the stats we have now, not counting Stamina and the primaries:

  • Secondaries

Crit = sometimes, you hit much harder.
Haste = you are faster.
Mastery = you are better at what you do.
Versatility = you hit harder and get hit for less.

  • Defensives

Dodge = Chance to avoid a physical attack.
Parry = Chance to to deflect a physical attack.
Armor = Physical damage reduction %.

  • Tertiaries

Speed = you move faster.
Avoidance = you magically get hit for less AoE damage.
Leech = you magically get healed for a fraction of your damage.

What was removed:

PvP stats: Resil, Power = had effects that only applied to PvP.
Elemental Resistances = reduced damage + chance to ignore damage from a spell school.
Spell Penetration = anti Elemental Resistances.
Armor Penetration = anti armor.
Hit = Chance to actually hit your target.

Spell power/Healing power = got condensed and derived from int. Their definition is pretty obvious.
Attack power = derived from agi/str now. Definition also pretty obvious.

Expertise = Increased chance to actually hit your target, given you did not miss AKA Anti-Dodge/Parry for physical.
Spirit = Mana regen.

Multistrike = chance to make your skills do a second/third attack, at 30% chance each, with separate crit rolls.

What else could we add?

Overall, in the current meta, I think weā€™re definitely missing a ā€œmagic armorā€ stat, we only have magic reduction in spells.

And since this is a RPG after all, I think some removed stats should return, like spirit should return, retooled as resource regen, separate from haste.

Resilience, retooled as reduced durability damage.

We could also have more non-combat related stats, at least not directly, not related to most gear slots, such as charisma, granting discount on gold expenditures.

Influence, for reputation gains.
Luck, for increased drop chances.

The thing is: would serve gameplay in a fun way or turn out to be a hindrance?
Where to offer those stats, whether to have them at set values or able to be increased by specific gear, actions, rewards etc.

On-topic, I think that Versatility serves its purpose quite well.