Versatility be gone

its a tank and pvp stat it helps those who play solo it doesnt seem to be a raiding or mythic plus stat but for everything else its useful and required(specially pvp)

Also a PvP stat versatility is!

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I’m not comparing it to hit/expertise. You are 100% correct in the importance of thag

I’m saying having reforging back will help make sure ilvl upgrades are ilvl upgrades. Currently I have a 515 ring and still being forced to run a 465 haha because haste is just really bad on my toon.

Wrong, Reforging out of a dead stat to reach break points to enable a build is amazing. That’s why Reforging would still be amazing.

Again you are wrong. I’m literally playing Cata right now. I’m reforging to Mastery as I said because it’s required.

Yea it’s a good thing that Hit/Expertise are gone. However that is irrelevant to the conversation. You are just picking random hills to die on.

Everything I said is true and I’ve debunked your points.

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Haste for Brewmaster.

Feel free to draw up a list of what it does. Because it’s not much.

It doesn’t even reduce our GCD. :laughing:

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Well, I think it’s more about “which of these lame spinoffs we rehash get the most interest and retention ($$).” Has nothing to do with testing stats

My hunch is that Versatility exists so that—except for a few specs that do scale better with it somehow—when you get a piece with Versatility at the max item level for which you play content, say, Heroic raids, you’re still driven to keep playing that content a couple iterations longer till you get the side grade that does away with the Versatility in favor of the actual stats you prefer; your true BiS.

In that sense, Versatility exists just as another way to dilute the loot pool and pad playtime, so that fewer gear immediately drops as the one BiS players keep till patch end. If there was only three main secondaries, players would be more likely to complete their itemization sooner, and retention through the patch lifespan might dip a little from those who “complete” their gearing early and take a break.

Versatility is majority pvp stat not heroic raids your thinking with raiding in mind when it comes to stats when thats not the intent for the stat.

leave my vers alone

Yes they should, it is the single worst stat in the game. If you’re playing a spec that does not scale with verse as well as other specs then you’re just gimping your dmg or survivability, yes this is only meaningful in high end content but it is still a factor that affects every single key in a season. If the Meta is always focused around verse specs that can survive the higher keys and you’re not playing a verse spec well get wrecked you’re not even getting into an 8

They need to split it out into 2 stats, 1 being the same flat dmg buff they have now and another being the DR buff that’s given at half the verse value, however, this DR stat should just be baked into every piece of armor and scales with ilvl. That way the flat dmg scaling classes that scale with verse currently are unaffected but way way way more classes become viable due to the inherent survivability provided by verse where they do not want verse for dmg.

Yes but most people are talking about retail where it would be nice but is definitely not that big for most specs

With 4 stats, you have 4 choose 2 types of items, or 6 types of items.

With 3 stats, you have 3 choose 2 types of items, or only literally 3 types of items in exist.

Versatility is boring but it at least increases the variety of loot.

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There is a part of me that likes that vers is so good for Mistweaver because I feel super tanky, and almost always prefer I’m the target of a high damage attack.

This has been proven wrong when we had BFA 8.3 stat amps. Secondary stats “Create” and enable builds. They are essential and stacking stats is crucial to builds.

Which is also why I included in the PS that the SL change to DR also needs to be removed cause it hurts build diversity. The Devs are just lazy and don’t want to balance anything so they removed ALL the fun and player agency. Which is sad.

Sorry but Reforging is amazing, if they added it back to Retail definitely would be a Win/Win. Players would be okay with finding an item with bad stats cause they can reforge. Players then could create more builds having more secondaries.

Also when you have Reforging you can change these items many times for what you or you friends need. Your friends need a Tank? Well maybe now a Dps can Reforge and fill that role. Reforging is just amazing.

PS - Versa still needs to go so the game and Class design can improve first.

This depends on spec. My main is a feral druid, and both haste and crit both change how the spec plays. Several healer mastery stats change the number of globals you need to put into topping off your group.

It’s probably true that for most specs at least half their secondary stats do nothing to make them play different. But which secondary stats present a meaningful difference is not standard across the board.

Makes breath of fire tick faster!