Versatility be gone

Vers is a good decision in pve. If its not an optimal sta in higher content you have to balance better damage or survivability. Also most stats are boring. Haste and crit arent flashy either.

For whatever reason(probably player retention) they always want some crappy slot-wasting stat.
I would get rid of it and just keep haste/crit/mastery. Itā€™s just more fun, cause there would be more haste to go around, and the game is really only fun when youā€™re moving fast and hitting fast.

I donā€™t care for it. Itā€™s always come across to me like a filler stat. Like they realized that they over did it removing stats that werenā€™t working and needed to come up with a new one fast and thatā€™s the best they could come up with on short notice.

If I were the one tasked with reworking it, Iā€™d

  1. Remove the added damage and just have it be pure danage reduction. So that it is a more situational stat, mostly useful in aspects of the game where survivability is an issue.
  2. Only put it on gems, enchants, other stuff like that and on trinkets
  3. Buff the amount of reduction per point to offset the greatly reduced number of points able to be added.

This way it becomes a stat that you have almost complete control over. When you need it, you just stack it at the expense of the other stats. But if you donā€™t need it, then you donā€™t have to worry about getting in on gear. And you could even go so far as adding talents that buff it for PvP or tank specs etc.

I mean unless your spec has interactions with it specifically, every stat that isnā€™t Haste boils down to ā€œmore damage I guessā€.

Here, take some copium. Youā€™ll need a lot.

Everything is an experiment.

Youā€™re the guinea pig.

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I wonā€™t lie, I donā€™t even know what it does and I never use gear if it only improves that stat lol

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Because itā€™s boring as hell? Also Iā€™m pretty sure every secondary stat is useful for everyone, to some degree.

Vers is silly because it adds nothing to playstyle while other secondary stats often do. It justā€¦adds damage. We already have boring damage/healing increases via primary stats, why do we need another?

I also donā€™t like it because DPS specs that actually prioritize vers (and there are very few of those) get a free survivability boost. Why is vers the one secondary stat that also increases survivability? Iā€™d love to stack the hell out of it on this toon but vers sucks for BM and Iā€™d be seriously gimping my damage to do so.

I like versatility. It makes me do more damage, take less damage, and heal for more. Whatā€™s not to like?

It it boring? I dunno sure I guess, but how is it any more boring than crit or mastery? They are just stats that make you perform better.

The only one I donā€™t consider boring is haste, as that actually lets me press buttons faster.


At leastā€¦ some stats are so close to zero at some point for some specs that they might as well not even exist.

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Iā€™m pretty sure theyā€™re not actually close to zero, but feel free to point out which specs this is true for. Iā€™d bet there are at least as many specs for which vers is also garbage.

Itā€™s nice for what it does, itā€™s just boring.

Having a stat that you can stack for survivability is a pretty good idea. Kind of weird when itā€™s someoneā€™s best stat for their dps specs, though. looks at DH through BFA and SL

versatility should be made into a primary stat it clearly is more useful than the other stats versatility is the best stat for classes use dots.

Versatility is lame. Bring back resilience and that anti-parry/dodge stat. Or anything really that isnā€™t Versatility.

Less damage taken, more damage done my butt. No one should be focusing on a stat like that. Itā€™s too good when itā€™s too good, and way too bad when itā€™s too bad.

and armor pen!

It was more needed for CTC cap for tanks. Every tank is reforging too Mastery in Cata especially the Block tanks. With that said you are wrong as someone pointed out Reforging turns an item into useable or an upgrade.

Reforging was one of the best ideas implemented and removing it just hurt player agency.

PS - Remove DR caps on Secondaries thatā€™s another thing horrific for the game. Retail has so many anti-fun measures design in it. So sad.

You got this right butā€¦

You got this wrong. Some secondary stats are dead stats while others are build enabling and game changing. Secondary stats create builds which is why they put DRs on them to stop new builds. This happened after BFA due to the Stat amps where we got to see so many fun crazy builds. I really miss Stat amps. I miss 8.3.

Actually it has the most interactions and is part of spell calculations. Thatā€™s why it creates such terrible balance problems. Versa functions differently for everyone. This is also why itā€™s terrible for PvP. Resil functioned the same for everyone, Versa does not.

Resil can be used as a PvP tuning nob, Versa can not. The Devs are in this position where if they make the correct decision to bring back Resil in Retail they have to remove Versa and they donā€™t like to be wrong or do that. Versa should of been removed with multistrike.

Really isnā€™t. Lets say I log into Retail. I do some BGs get honor go to the vendor andā€¦There is nothing to buy. Only Versa gear. I donā€™t want to play that Templated Versa mucked up system. I quit Legion because of Templates. This Versa situation is just as bad if not worse. Cause Versa is ruining every aspect of the game including Class design and balance. When doing Class design the Devs have to take into account the Versa stat. Itā€™s bad.

No they removed it because there wasnā€™t a difference between it and crit.

I meanā€¦Thatā€™s most secondary stats. As Demo my stats boil down to:

Crit - Randomly do more damage.
Mastery - passively do more damage with demons.
Vers - passively do more damage with everything.
Haste - Actually does stuff. Even if that stuff is basically ā€œjust shadowbolt fasterā€.

Demo plays exactly the same with 0% crit, mastery or vers as it would 100%.

I hate versatility.

If anything it should be made a tank stat.

Versatility is that stat that makes you unkillable in pvp. A lot of people may not know this.

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This is a good take. However, In my mind (limited dps - I mainly tank), that seems to tell me the spec comes ā€œpre-builtā€ with inherent haste or crit modifiers (or ways for the class to self-proc those). And in that regard, I feel it makes the class more interesting and active to play - but could also mean more of an ā€œupkeepā€ style gameplay. Kinda thinking outlaw rogue here, who seems to prefer verse based on their ability to manage haste and crit with spell/skill use.

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