Versatility be gone

It’s in a weird spot.

  • I like the idea of being able to gear more defensively.
  • I don’t like that you don’t have much choice in if you get it (loot RNG, fixed stats on tier sets and BIS cantrip items).
  • I don’t like it being a decent dps stat for some specs, essentially making them passively tankier when they have the optimal gear.

I think removing it would make the game worse (only 3 secondary stats). Some kind of rework is better.

It’s more of a think for yourself stat, because while yes you can use sims to get the max dps, you can still always sacrifice dps for some livability.

I’d be pretty poopered if tepid ver flasks didn’t exist.


As a resto shaman, its one of the main stats I attempt to stack.

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Multi-strike frost mage was a beautiful thing to behold. WoD will always be the expansion I view as the weakest and most disappointing, but of the things they did right, some of the tertiary stats were REALLY cool. Felt like taking certain talents and going full multi made you into a walking mini-gun.

Bring back multi strike!

I’d like to see Vers go away. Blizzard is obsessed with it right now, and it makes the game kind of suck in a way. There’s nothing really fun about needing to hit 2k-3k minimum Vers for most specs in the game to just FUNCTION.

It feels especially bad if you play a spec like Frost or Fire where you have a situation where your spec gains significantly more Haste or Crit from all sources…and they’re your. WORST. STAT.

Also really hate how Vers is just significantly better than Mastery when the Mastery is something stupid like “you deal x% more “spell category” damage”

I’d fully support giving secondaries a look. It feels like Haste and Crit are the worst stats to have usually. They’re alll kind of becoming boring

Yes, it should of been removed with Multistrike.

Versa is a stat that has plagued this game for a long time. It should of got removed with Multistrike. It’s been a terrible in balance and class design. It just does too much and causes the most interaction issues with abilities.

Furthermore it’s not just a problem in PvE but it’s atrocious for PvP. It’s not a PvP stat and in the way of attaining other valuable secondary stats that actually make builds.

PvP gear should have Resil. Versa should be removed from the game. Then better class design can happen without Versa mucking up everything. I actually don’t play Retail anymore and likely won’t ever return until Versa is gone.

I have serious doubts that versatility has contributed to you not playing retail. lol

It has. I’ve complained about it for many years. The PvP gear is trash. Versa is in the way. Why would I play if it’s going to be like that. Versa causes so many problems in ALL aspects of the game.

Which is why I currently am subbed to play a version of the Game that doesn’t have Versa. A version that does have Resil. A version of the game that doesn’t run into troubles of badly designed stats like Versa.

Retail would benefit tremendously by removing Versa. You can then have far better Class design and balance. Especially for PvP. It’s a problem for Class design in PvE though too. Versa should of never happened. They were likely drunk that day they thought of it.

I have no plans to play Warwithin however if they announced Versa is being removed I would have to buy it. This one thing would have me thinking they might try to fix the game or at least be on a better path.

I think it should stay, but isn’t there an issue with it’s scaling?

Especially classes where vers is their highest stat priority, it’s an issue, or?

Reforging was useful when you had to balance hard caps like expertise or hit. It isn’t necessary now that those are gone.

Weird because usually the complaint is that is has the least interaction with abilities.

Weird line in the sand to draw.

I think it should be a PvP stat only and thus very desirable for PvP. Not sure why blizz added mastery as ‘a stat to help tune/balance better’ but then it just turned into another desired secondary stat people chase.

it would defs mean that ilvl upgrades on rings can still be upgrades

As long as stats exist that are borderline worthless for some specs, reforging will always be useful.


I like Vers.

WoW MoP remix is a laboratory for Blizzard to test things for midnight and last titan.
I find it successful. It is quite fun having these “borrowed powers” like that.
What is not fun:

  • Borrowed powers that you have to grind to keep leveling etc.

What is fun:

  • Borrowed powers that you get along during your gameplay and if needed you could buy with currency.

So for stats, I think they should remove versatility and make gear have one single stat only via gems, like it is in MoP remix, with gems.

We customize our gear. We customize our gameplay.

Stop making conspiracy theories okay it’s not going to happen. Remix is there for content not experimental content.

my theory is mop is where blizzard is gonna set up a restaurant to serve fresh pandas. panda king.