Versatility be gone

Bring back reforginggggggggg


Keep versatility, and, hear me out, bring back resilience. Yes yes, I know I know, pvp is dead and all that good jazz but having resilience back would be nice.


This is how mastery should be. Something more active. Just not a passive +more damage stat.

As a fire mage, no.

Versatility is the only stat that’s always useful for everyone.

Why on earth would they get rid of it.


It’s pretty much only really a PvP stat at this point. Or for tanks, maybe?

I feel most DPS have a more desirable stat to chase.

PvP gear is high in vers, PvE gear generally doesn’t have it at all, at least not in high amounts.

It’s useful for PvP defense, having high amounts of it.



I just don’t know what to say to this. Except that it’s wrong, of course.

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I just know, for my class specifically, it’s our most valued stat alongside mastery.

For PvE, it is the least-desired stat by far. I assume, for other classes, it’s the same. Well, not monks.

Probably why I don’t bother with doing PvE outside of casual play- I don’t want to keep two sets of gear updated.

I just don’t see much PvE gear with it, but mostly all PvP pieces have vers on them.

It’s basically replaced resilience.

It would help latter game pvp where retail can lose some balance and can get bursty as hell.

When I last I did full retail focus I could be in top non rate pvp gear, vers chants and gems. And was getting deleted.

It had me go so…I could be in here in trash greens really lol. I worked to be face planted…sigh.

Vers plus resilience would get that to 2 or 3 shots at least.

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Depends on the class…monks for instance, their 2nd stat priority was versatility(I haven’t kept up with their stat priority in years but they were stacking that few years back.)

Indeed. Meanwhile, Haste is as close as you can get to a zero-value stat, for us.


It’s still #1 stat for monks, afaik.

But Monks always had weird/poor scaling, that might be why lol.


If your Mastery is bad (and Mastery is wholly dependent on whether the devs did a good job with that spec’s mastery or not), and Haste is useless, that leaves Vers & Crit. Scaling has nothing to do with it.

I thought it was just the whole % damage increase (stacking vers), double-dipping along with other abilities that do % increase to damage done like Serenity, which made it so strong to stack.

And then the mastery bonus on top of that, which is an additional % increase if it’s not a repeat move- Monks have a lot of just “% increase damage” which is crazy when the stars align with cooldowns.

I guess every class has that to some extent.

Just wondering why Monks of all classes still stack Vers in PvE, when idk if any other class does.

Mastery’s okay. It’s just not nearly as good as Crit & Vers.

Haste, meanwhile, is garbage and is to be avoided at all costs.

The Rogues want every Crit/Vers item that drops, same as me.

It seems to vary by spec, I haven’t played rogue in forever tbh.

Outlaw wants those stats, but the other two specs want a little different.

I guess I’m always curious as to why certain specs want specific stats, but I’ll probably never understand unless I know those classes inside and out, I only really know Hunters like that lol.

It’s not nearly as straightforward as it used to be, where everyone would just stack one stat like armor pen lol, like in TBC.

I’ve watched people with versatility be really good at the game so I would disagree with people who think it should be removed.

You can probably stack vers on a bunch of specs in m+ and do just fine provided your gameplay is clean. For some specs it might feel like garbage to play (resource starved due to lack of haste / stuff procs on crit). But it really isnt the end of the world until you’re doing mythic raids or high rank m+ where optimal damage will make or break a timer/dps check.

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Hmm, maybe I should give M0 and M+ a try then.

I’m decently geared enough to start, just figured it’d be too much of a hassle with gearing.

I enjoyed doing them back in Legion.

Versatility also becomes more valuable as you do more difficult fights, since the fights actually start to become dangerous.

If you’re fortunate enough to have Vers as an optimal stat, you also become a lot tougher as a side bonus.