Velma megathread

I cAnT bElIeVe yOu dIdNt pOsT tHiS iN tHe oFf tOpIc sEcTiOn - the forum Karen’s.


I have yet to watch Wednesday. I really want to, but Netflix…

Kaling would have just made Scoob a male chihuahua who identifies as a female pitbull.
Her self insert as Velma is bad enough.


Well, according to rumors, Scooby is in Velma. He’s just not a dog, or a he, and maybe his name is spelled with an ‘I’…

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because it’s not his Show it’s Mindy- i mean Velma’ show…

(thank god Scooby is not on this horrible train wreck)


I think there is a off topic board.

In the right hands that would be an incredible twist on Scooby.

But just like Fred, the writers for Velma would turn it into terrible one note joke as they repeat the same thing to make it “adult oriented.”

I found that super-offputting.

haven’t paid for a single thing I’ve watched outside of paying for movie theatre tickets for 4 years. It was ok when there were just one or two streaming services but now there are so many exclusive shows that im just gonna be a pirate.


This thread gonna be closed AF.

Not sure anyone likes that show. Not even the people it’s attempting to appeal to. Y’know, the whole single audience of Mindy Kaling.


For a self insert she’s making it look like she was an awful teenager to be around.


Why would you make a Velma thread, a wannabe megathread even?

Last of us is far superior of a show, lets talk about that

Same. Velma is the poster child for a show that is “adult” but not “mature.” It’s the 18+ equivalent of a fart joke. They seem to expect me to be amused by the mere notion that they are able to depict characters from a children’s show in 18+ situations and for some reason are surprised when my bar is a little higher than that.

If you want me to laugh, then I at least need you to be clever. If you want me to be emotionally invested, then I need you to be nuanced and engaging. Merely referencing adult topics isn’t enough.

They are playing with fire with who they are attempting to appeal too. We all know they will eat their own. You can not ever make them happy.

ZOINKS SCOOB this is utter malicious garbage

I haven’t watched it, but I’m guessing they thought they could pull a “Daria” with it.

Okay. I’ll answer. The only regulation the government stipulates all nude actors on film must be 18+. As long as they don’t claim the age on film is other. That is left to the audience imagination. As for animation and print (comics and manga), the courts ruled they are fantasy and not real people, so they are not protected.

The only person that got around this was Steven Spielberg for Shindler’s List. He showed what they did to people in the “showers” in fascist Germany. If you find that to be “arousing”, then there is seriously something wrong with you.

To my knowledge all of the actors in the gas chambers in Schindler’s list were adults.

But besides that going off topic, there needs to be more rules if there truly aren’t any.

Seeing underaged naked school girls on screen is not funny, it’s not sexy, and it’s not right. I don’t care if it’s animation or not. There’s just no excuse.

It’s funny because it is the #2 most watched thing on imdb behind The Last of Us for this past week. And it’s got a 1.1 :star: People must be tuning in just to see how awful it really is