VDH is 4 key levels above most tanks, 3 above 2nd highest

Blizzard wants the VDH + Resto Druid + Mage/Spriest/Evoker meta to exist for as long as possible for the MDI and other M+ esports events. That’s all there is to it. VDH is the best tank by every metric. Resto is the best healer by every metric. Mage/Spriest/Evoker are the best M+ dps by every metric.

It is what it is. Blizzard prefers these classes. Balance is not the goal. Giving a god comp that can pull high keys in 5 pulls for MDI viewers is the goal.


Then you should be aware to push high keys you need to play meta…

… No you shouldn’t have to play meta to push 1 or 2 keys under the best class. My guy you don’t know what you are talking about just stop.

Why are you so easy to just defend blizzard from horrible balancing? Do you have nothing better to do than to advocate for a worse meta?

Nice hat. You’re a fancy Elf.

Because is been this way some m+ was in the game.

The only way to have perfect balance or even with all tanks all melee DPS and all range dps and all healers withn 1 to 2% of their roles is so every spec use the same abilities have have exact utilities use different animations . Then game will be balance at that point is the player skill that counts. But nope players want different unique abilities therefore the game will never be balance

More than half of the seasons dont have a disparity this bad among tanks. Dragonflight has be particularly bad in terms of balance. Legion / BFA were much better.

The game can still be balanced with different abilities. Season 1 was a prime example of good balance.

Maybe try running an M10 with 4 DPS, then come back and tell me you no longer need a healer.

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what do you want? MAGE TANKS? because I see a mage complaining about tanks as absurd

When Prot Warriors were gods and Druid tanks were so bad that Blizzard gave them an overpowered Pity Set in season 2?

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The balance in season 1 was good, not perfect, but 10 times better than what we have right now. Few specs were better , that is true, as someone said here, pwar was nearly unkillable, but, once again, not even close to current vdh power level. That was a good season for devs to learn from mistakes on how to balance specs. Well, look what we have right now, it’s disaster.

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Yeah, because Avenger Shield procs aren’t on:

  1. On demand.
  2. Have an unlimited target cap.

Apart from that though, the two abilities are completely identical.



VDH & Prot Paladin are both overpowered when it comes to interrupts.

Meanwhile, as a brewmaster I have a single-target interrupt on a 15 second cooldown.

(I’d appreciate it if nobody insulted everyone by bringing up stuns and stuff THAT DON’T WORK ON THE ENEMIES YOU NEED TO INTERRUPT. kthx)

Sigil of Silence with it’s current synergies is not even in the same galaxy as Prot Paladins being able to PROC a silence. Cause I know you’ve been tanking a long time, and I know you know that consistency is infinitely better than quantity when it comes to both mitigation and control.

Like it’s fine if some tanks are good at some things. TBH I’ve never felt majorly at a disadvantage as a (mainly) Blood player when up against a Paladin. Cause yeah, they have random Avenger Shields and that is nice when you just need bulk quantity of kicks, but Death Grip is pretty funky as well.

But the problem right now is that VDH’s ontop of having great offensive/defensive team utility, also do mob control better than both Prot Paladins and Blood DK’s and Prot Warriors.

And that’s even before we look at the sadder cases like Bears and Brews.

Fundamentally the problem with VDH is that EVERY talent that they want to take because it increases their Mitigation/Damage sigils also buffs their control sigils.

Double Sigils? Would already be great with Flame/Decree, also works with Silence/Fear/Grip.

Longer duration? Already would be great for Flame (gives them significantly more uptime on 15%/30% Parry), but 3s extra on a slow/silence is nuts.

CD Reduction on Sigils (via hitting targets with sigils)? Yup, silencing a target reduces the CD of Flame and hitting a target with Flame reduces the CD of Silence/Grip/Fear.

Blizzard needs to standardize it, like they standardize other things.

Does every tank have crit immunity? Yes.
Does every tank have a single-target interrupt on a cd? Yes.

Now let every tank move enemies around and AoE silence.

Or none of them should have it. Take your pick.

I think it’s fine if they have one or the other. Ursols and ROP definitely aren’t on par with what other tanks have to offer though.

it’ll just get more out of control
right now, vdh is able to comfortably penta pull where every other tank has to heavily invest to even triple pull
once vdh gets access to it’s full awakened bis list and gets ilvls, it’ll probably be sextuple pulling easily

VdH is saving this terrible season with awful dungeons by being able to CC / silence all the crap trash 24 / 7

Doing M+ without a VdH is playing a completely differrernt version of WoW.

So you agree with me?

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Yeah was in a nelth 10 that failed poor warrior tank… The feeling is night and day.