I don’t think it’s boring but people saying “it’s 10 mins per delve bro get over it” don’t account for key acquisition at all in their assessment.
And even fun things can get repetitive.
It’s more like “It’s 15 minutes per delve bro with an hour or so of key acquisition before you even touch the first delve.” Then multiply that by 4-6 toons.
You’re looking at 8 hours per week just to get the current 4 delve milestone at least.
It’s lucrative enough, nvm the fact you can get map for another hero track(Assuming RNG is generous) and supposedly getting bounty remnants which guarantees one according to datamined a user here claimed I will just keep doing them like I always been.
Don’t? They’re making it so you have to do more delves for gear! This is great! People love delves and now they have 4 more reasons to do them a week! Yay for people who love delves!
What? People love delves because of what they are, not the gear, right? So this is a good change. Gives them more reasons to run more a week now. This is exactly what the delve community wanted?
Don’t you want a reason to do more of the things you enjoy? I love softball and as such I look for any reason to play more (thus traveling tournaments outside of the typical season). Delve people love delves because it’s so much fun! So now they have 4 more reasons to do them a week! Yay everyone!
Oh? People don’t actually like delves? They just want the easy rewards from it? Well…now that’s not at all what the delve community has been screaming this whole time. SO which one is it??
Indirectly pushing players back to M+ for their gear rewards…
Although most will probably just play less altogether, because that is the path of least resistance – not moving back to M+.
Grizzle is here to farm salt and nothing more. I personally like the guy but I would not take his input on delves any more seriously than my input on mythic raids.
I havent done a M+ all season, well maybe 3-4 low keys, and havent even ran delves on my alts since my main got to 620. I have raid logged the last 2.5 months. They really dont care about engagement numbers, they care about shareholder value and as long as you/me are subbed then they got what they wanted.