That’s a weird choice.
I support upping the required raid boss kills, so long as we also get extra raid bosses. These 8 boss raids are as depressing now as they were back in cata when people actually cared enough to complain about them.
Ugh…I struggle to get the two I do now done.
they should make the new zekvir boss count for a slot once per week then
They won’t because that’s the World content row, and you can fill it by doing things other than delves.
What the… why?!
Geebus, I can’t even get 4 done half the time. That’s ridiculous.
I wish I had the Cronk gif.
I don’t know. By all accounts it doesn’t make much sense.
Blizzard please don’t do this, stupid change.
8 for filling the row was fine.
This is just a stupid change
It’s already really prohibitively time intensive to get vault slots on multiple characters, so this goes pretty against their alt-friendliness philosophy in this expac.
I already thought needing 2 for the 1st slot was too many. I got off the Delve train a long time ago. I just do 1 dungeon per alt again lol
Grasping defeat from the jaws of victory gonk behavior right here.
^ This
You can fill the raid row with LFR and the M+ row with heroic dungeons.
Same deal. Significantly easier, like other world content is significantly easier.
You know the difference? The same exact thing - the ilvl sucks for world content vault vs delve vault.
Not to mention, there’s only so much world content that counts towards the Vault: a world boss and a few weeklies. So for people who don’t do Delves and just outdoor content, it makes it harder for them, too.
Honestly I thought they were going to change the rewards from delves – just requiring more work for the same results seems like dodging a bullet, for players whose preferred pillar is Delves.
What ever happened to the notion of reducing weekly grinds on multiple characters? I swear at one point there was mention during an interview about letting vault credit carry over if a week was missed or if a higher-progressed character had a bunch of slots unlocked.
It’s almost like there was an attempt at respecting time that got quashed.
Delves are for fun, not for gear, remember?
Have to agree with this remark, it was pooped on gear, or just increase the amount needed. I like the amount needed vs crap on gear.
Which, they could still do before 11.1 goes live. Which then would just be one big crap burger.