Makes me think a little more about it… all the outcry about $90 for a mount that actually does something amazing, vs $90-$180 (less the discount) for a mount that doesn’t do anything special. I have never subbed for more than a month at a time because the burnout bug can strike at any time.
It’s not a bad take. People want a reason to do more of the things they enjoy right? I enjoy M+ because it’s an endless loop of playing the content I want.
Pushing rewards from 8 → 12 for delves incentivizes the same thing. More play time in your chosen content. Unless of course the content itself isn’t why you’re doing said content.
They found a way to nerf delves without touching the gear lvl rewards (yet) to appease the M+ers who thought delves were too easy. So grats to them I guess. I won’t be doing more delves, I’m already doing way less.
This is like the Revenge of the Nerds comp when they do a tug of war comp and the nerds let go of the rope and the OP team falls down. Grats, you win.
Time played. Slowing you down in completing their mediocre drip feed of content is significantly more profitable than feeding quality to people that will defend mediocrity.
Just careful what you wish for – they might revert this change, and then just drop the quality of the GV reward from world content row. Because in the end, they want players back in M+ after S1’s lower engagement numbers.
Yep, I stopped at 4 usually. Now we need to do 6 to get the same rewards? forget it. Add to that the ridiculous amount of 12 for a third slot… no way.
It’s like you can actually feel the bitterness seeping through the screen.
All this talk about rewards…sounds like this is the real reason people want delves and not because it’s “solo content”
It’s called satire - look it up lol
Should i get a restraining order? You’ve been stalking for months now lol
Grizzle is having fun with a topic that he’s obviously passionate about Lucrend. Give him a break.
Spot on.
Satire is one thing this is 9 posts of you straight up being hateful just because you don’t like delves.
You’re on a public forum. Don’t post if you can’t take being replied to.
I never did them solo. I did them with my husband. Was a great time and a wonderful way to gear up. Completely got to skip doing M+ entirely for a month or two and it was great.
Yeah, sure, a good reason would be great.
With this change maybe they also drop more cosmetics?
With this change maybe they add other “fun factors” to make delves more interesting. Fun powers to blast with (that doesn’t necessarily make them faster).
With this change maybe they add +12 and above a mythic track.
You know. Stuff to actually make people want to play.
Blizzard is a master of making their content feel like punishment and people always crawl back for more.
Whatever I guess. You believe you know what’s best for people who absolutely hate the change. More power to you.
Dungeons typically stay the same since it’s the same amount of dungeons each season, but the raid does change based on the number of raid bosses.
It makes sense if there’s more bountifula up each day, and more delves all together that they’d increase the amount of delves needed.
that number could be 100 delves and i still wouldnt play m+
I’d kind of like to be able to allot the time to playing the same number of characters that I did in S1. Which is what I will do because while I do enjoy delves I don’t connect my enjoyment/time spent to the rewards collected by devoting that time.
Which is why I will play the number of delves that I enjoy and am comfortably capable of sacrificing the time to and won’t play another 50% more delves just for rewards.
People that are fine with this change are actually fine with just chasing the rewards Griz. People with an argument against them are providing an argument because at some point the fun ends and chasing rewards begins.
Passionate about hating delves and their gear, sure.
Ain’t that the honest truth…
Are we also gonna ignore the part where Delvers have a guaranteed way to get Gilded Crest each week now despite M+ers were against that?
This current change doesn’t change this. You get to still do that. And get to spend more time playing with your husband. How is this not a win in your books?
High end rewards for trivial level play. Same as it was in S1
Isn’t the content fun enough to want to play it? Or are you just after fast easy rewards too?
This is the correct mindset. So people really shouldn’t be worried or concerning themselves with this current change.