Vault will require 3/6/12 Delves in 11.1

Incorrect. Delves are an end game pillar, considered challenge content for solo and small groups. That requires gear and all end game pillars give gear.


I was poking fun at all the people who defend delves by claiming “it’s not about the gear, it’s about solo play” - and that’s their entire defense about discussions surrounding “changing delve loot”


And the monkey paw strikes again. You want your gilded crests? Ok! Now do more to get them.

12 delves is not a big deal.

That’s not how it works, you can only do 3 T11s a week to get them in a total of 18 from what was datamined.

Especially when they still only take 15 minutes to run through

lol i am laughing at my wife right now cause she has to run 12x delve8’s to get her 3 cloaks LOLOL. blizzard is such a failure.


Man you guys sound like you hate playing the game.


WoW players are incredibly lazy.

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Agree pointless change blizzard needs to revert this change

If it’s pointless, then there shouldn’t be any problem with it staying. Y’all are praising delves and for having fun solo content to do. Why do you not want to be incentivized to do more!?


I do them for my alts to get easy gear, i dont want to have to do more on my alts.

Jeez dude i play the game more than you. If you wanna do more delves then do them, this is not a needed change.


8 wasn’t either but I still wasn’t down for 8 delves on 6 different characters every week. I would say that increasing it by a factor of 50% is kind of a big deal though.


What incentive? This isn’t an incentive. An incentive would be “do 12 Delves and unlock a fourth slot!” because that’s more than we had before.

What we have here is a DISincentive to do Delves because they’re more tedious for the same rewards now.


Not true. Doing more gets you a 3rd slot. This is a good thing for you. Now you have a reason to do more than 8 a week! Yay!

11.1 looking stinky tbh.


No, I already could get three a week. Raising the price of milk and then calling it an incentive to pick up an overtime shift to pay for it is not the incentive you say it is.


This wouldn’t be a problem if the end of delve rewards were decent. I’m not running alts through 3/6/12 for zero drops and vault only. M+ will be faster at that point, even for pure dps.

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Right. But you stopped at 8
Now you have incentive to do more than 8
This is good. It’s such a good feature and it’s so much fun and now you have a reason to do more than 8. Win win for the delve crowd

This is what keys are for

It’s not a win. I did 2-4 on multiple alts per week.

Now I’m going to do none. And I’m not filling the M+ row either, I’m doing a single run and then slagging off for the week. Total engagement = down.