3/6 seems fine, but… 12? That’s a bit too much.
8-9 would be a more reasonable number, because in the first weeks of a new season Delves will also be a bit harder again and require more time to finish, especially at higher difficulties. There’s no use in quickly spamming stage 3 Delves for the vault.
Doesn’t really matter because, sure, I can do some World Quests or Theatre Troupe stuff to fill the vault, but the equipment from that is so low that it would be only useful for some purple crystals.
Funny enough this change doesn’t bother me, hell I probably do over 20 a week anyway but it definitely sucks for those who’s main pillar isn’t Delves I imagine
What if I don’t have a problem with you having a problem with it, I’m just offering a dissenting opinion while also enjoying engaging in logical discussion of the topic?
My main pillar at the start of each season is probably going to be delves fairly consistently. Difference being that I’ll have 4-6 toons to work through them weekly so doing 4 delves on each is already a time investment when key acquisition is considered in the equation. Though I’m not sure I’ll have to be as concerned with keys as I am with vaults in S2.
I might be bothered to add two more delves for two slots but I don’t bother with 8 now and am not going to bother with 12… Maybe I’ll just go for one slot a week. I don’t care about gear that much.
Translation: “You people should be playing for love of the game only, but I deserve to be showered with sweet loot. Keep paying for my content, like an obedient drone.”
I said they were going to double down and I was right. They don’t think you’re working hard enough.
Maybe they shouldn’t split up the vault options. Give us 9 slots and let us fill them with whatever content we want. If I want to run 24 keys to get 9 vault options I should be able to.
Once again, you have developers out of touch with the playerbase. Not everyone has the time to just live and breathe WoW like many of us used to in the early days. They live in a bubble where it’s all WoW all the time.