I’m not arguing it doesn’t. But someone else said something that brought that up for me.
In my original post where I offered a solution, I started by mentioning I barely interact with it and laid out my “solution” in the vein of “if you’re not part of the solution you’re part of the problem”. I try to never complain about something unless I have an idea for someone to start from.
And how many times has Blizzard nerfed the encounter to make sure HoF got filled. Or whatever that other one after Hall of Fame is for guilds who kill the mythic boss.
Point being, it was designed for the best and when it proved too hard for the best they made it slightly easier until the best could complete it, but by then others got good gear and access to good WeakAuras. That’s more the fault of the top guilds not being good enough to beat it before it was too nerfed if we stop to think about it for a second.
Yes. Because even I took down Heroic Queen and I’m nowhere near good I’m average by every measure so if you can’t do better than me you’re average by definition
Except your solution isn’t one because delves are supposed to be viewed for delve players (in isolation.)
So any increases to rewards (like mythic track vault) simply results in that group of players being bored at even higher ilvl. (Because time played will be the same.)
Nerfs happen irrespective of HOF, although sometimes Blizzard overshoots (like Tindral.) So not many actually.
Yes, mythic is multiple difficulties under the same name.
I’d say killing Queen at all makes players better than the rest by a significant margin. It’s a spectrum.
You don’t have to get CE for accomplishments to be worth anything.
Idk, but I am not from the current generation and my education came during a period of time where a person was taught to think for themselves. And that’s what I do. I take what others say and I believe half and have to sleuth the rest out.
But you’re right, I’m speaking from my experience, but so do you. Whether you realize it or not. Everyone does, it’s nearly impossible to speak from someone else’s experience
Someone’s been proven wrong and can’t handle it have a good day friend. And enjoy torturing yourself in a raid intended for better players than you. I’m happy settling for Heroic but won’t judge you for how you play. Just wish you luck in your endeavors