And flaming me for daring to offer a solution instead of strictly complaining
Still haven’t seen anyone else even try to offer a solution. But I did step away to interact with my friends new puppy so I may have missed another pitch
And flaming me for daring to offer a solution instead of strictly complaining
Still haven’t seen anyone else even try to offer a solution. But I did step away to interact with my friends new puppy so I may have missed another pitch
If people hold strong opinions (like yourself) I expect them to be familiar with basic terminology.
Else don’t make claims like this.
I’m allowed to hold whatever level of opinion I want because I’m willing to make concessions if I’m given information to the contrary.
I’ve asked for the information and you continue to refuse to offer it. I’m not the problem with this argument.
It’s not like we’re on the internet with something called Google.
And opinions are one thing, an informed opinion is another. Some people only have opinions because they are uninformed.
it is not my job to fix things.
It has turned into a complaining, because we have been giving blizzard a billion feedback. See, the forums, social media and any other platform.
We told them this is wrong; this bug needs to be fixed, the m+ tuning, mythic raiding initial tuning etc etc etc
Yet, they haven’t done anything. zero. The m+ meta has been the same since month 2.
Nothing is being delivered. AND they apparently decided to change the world vault row.
Can you comprehend what I am saying here?
A guild with ce is better than 7/8 guild, but that doesn’t mean 7/8 is average players.
now, go play with your friend’s pupp.y
Ok, instead of being part of the solution and offering the information yourself (I’m beginning to believe you don’t even truly understand the terminology you’re using btw) you’re expecting me to go somewhere else.
But you’re right, I wouldn’t believe whatever you told me at this point anyway. I’ll look it up when I have the urge to and if it changes my opinion future forums posts will reflect that. But, this debate is over because you’re refusing to provide clear information to support your side. Have a good day kid and maybe join the debate team
I will because puppies are awesome. The forums are only ok luckily I have a brain and am capable of doing both
What you are asking me is a cheap trap question.
Keep being average and stay in heroics. <3
I will. Thank you.
And genuinely, good luck. I’ll make note of your name and watch for it in RWF/MDI/TGP
Maybe one day you’ll run your head into a wall long enough to get good and make it.
It’s not my role to educate you on things you don’t understand when you hold opinions on topics you don’t understand.
And generally, if people are unfamiliar, they wouldn’t toss out laughable stuff like you do.
lol, you are actually thinking RWF/MDI/TGP are the best players. that’s rich.
you know what, I think I will ignore you. Idiocracy, I don’t need it.
Another garbage change, as expected from the house of milk-thieves and cubical crawlers.
They’re something close to the best in this game, but it’s not a perfect reflection of it because of the need for teams, time, and resources.
Ok but… I have 11 level 80’s and a bunch of toons at other levels. I raid, I pvp, I dungeon, I world quest and while I don’t play all of them every week, I do like to get at least some delves done on the main favourites
Time wise, 12 Delves x “number of alts” is a heckin lot more.
To be frank…
It sounds like y’all are arguing that I’m better than average because I achieved Heroic AoTC, And that idea makes me uncomfortable so I do think I’m defensively arguing.
In my defense, my last account a decade ago I was average, one might argue worse than average and I don’t see my skills as any better than back then.
So in my brain, because I achieved AoTC which is defined as the curve then that means the average player can. Making anyone at that level average.
As you pointed out and I conceded, I am speaking from my experience. But to listen to my own words it’s only fair I lay out the full reasoning explicitly.
I do not see myself as better than average, I achieved the curve. That means the average player can achieve the curve. Not to mention when I was going to school, the curve was defined as the level of the average student.
Is there information I don’t have? Sure, I didn’t Google the percentage of players that have achieved Heroic AoTC because that wasn’t where this conversation started for me. But when I asked for the information it wasn’t provided by any of the other sides. The best I can extrapolate from what was said is that… 10%? 10% of players have the AoTC achievement? I admit, if that’s the case that’s below average. That doesn’t make me any more comfortable seeing myself as better than average and judging things based on that.
Just ignore the trolls. For whatever reason delves put a crimp in the e-peen crowd’s panties. I’m sure they are happy about this. We’ll see what happens to Blizz’s metrics with this change. I know I’ll be doing less delves overall because of this. The time/reward for doing that many delves a week just isn’t a good trade off.
Have you considered that the game isn’t meant to be played this way?
Have you considered you can play the game any way you like, as there are multiple options?
You can, and Blizzard hasn’t taken those away from you. But to design content around the idea that people will run them 50x (because of all the alts) is a bad idea.