Vault rng still sucks…

I Got bad vault 3 weeks in a row and this week i got bad weekly chest from 4x mythic dungies. Feels bad man. I unlock all 3x heroic raid blocks, all 3x m+ blocks w/ 10x 18+ keys done, and all 3x duelist pvp blocks. And somehow with 9x options I am getting hosed every F’ing week. Makes no sense. Meanwhile there’s people in my guild who raid log and are more geared than me from f’ing vault luck. Such a S*** system. Should be a currency to buy gear and not this dumb f****** rng crap. But the devs are apparently not good at their job and the ones who are are getting sexually harassed out of the work place so I Guess that’s why this game sucks.

I’m with you man. I have people in my guild. Ran 1 m+ a week on their alt. First week, BiS weap. Whereas for me, useless items all these weeks. Either pieces I know will be for dom slots dups.

Lovely rng

say it with me folks “You getting a bad vault is not rationale for you to make a public GD post complaining about the vault.”

Thousands of people got a bad vault today. less than 1% of them made a forum post. That says a lot about the ego you have. Forget the vault and in-game stuff, fix yourself

What is hilarious is the longer you don’t play the more you are also behind. The vault is the most toxic system in WoW perhaps right next to M+. They really need to remove weekly chore list for an item as it causes catastrophic long term effects in the community and game.

The Vault is bad whether you are playing or if you didn’t. That is the pinnacle of bad design.


This makes no sense. The system is bad but your solution is to just ignore it and “fix yourself”. What a clown

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Not gonna lie, I’m really close to burnt myself. I noticed my log in times have reduced again. At a point where I started to only come and raid, stopped caring about parsing. Even the drive to even come raid is starting to dwindle

I mean it’s normal. You do 10 mythics or a full raid or both and then when the vault gives you nothing it’s incredibly discouraging, especially if you didn’t get any drops from the content either.

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People tend to forget that the vault is a bonus reward for playing the game. There’s zero guarantee that the reward is an upgrade.

Do you make a post every time you do a quest and the rewarded piece isn’t an upgrade?

It’s a chance at an upgrade.

My vault on mage is literally 3 pieces of gear with mastery/vers in dom gear slots a worthless trinket and a ring I already have.

It happens.

The system isn’t bad. It’s the best it’s been.

People always complain.

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There are several different types of complainers, some legit, mostly not.
1: Players who arn’t pushing hard enough content and have a very slim or no chance to actually get upgrades from vault.
2: Players who get ilvl bumps in vault, but think secondary stats are supreme. (some cases, yes, most cases not. especially with large ilvl bumps)
3: Players who only unlock 1 slot and blame the rng gods.


Just because it’s “the best it’s been” doesn’t mean it’s good.

Clearing a full raid and not getting loot? Fine that’s RNG at least I have the vault which rewards me for my efforts. Wrong, that’s RNG as well and it’s not uncommon for people to get zero ugprades from it.

That’s bad

It’s still a good system.

It happens. You’re forgetting the vault isn’t guaranteed to give an upgrade. I didn’t get anything good the last two weeks and I’m not complaining.

Yeah you’re fine with spending hours running content with zero reward, congratulations. Most people want to be rewarded for their time spent in the game. The issue is the vault SHOULD be a guaranteed upgrade.

If I clear content for the week and don’t get loot and then open my vault and also don’t get loot I’m not going to keep playing I’m going to get discouraged and quit.

Just one of many issues with the current state of the game. If you want to ignore and defend a bad system then we don’t really have anything else to discuss lol.

No, it’s one of the many issue with the state of the current crop of players.

This isn’t a job and loot isn’t the PRIMARY reason to play the game.

Somewhere along the line the playerbase shifted from role-play to gimme and they’re upset that the game hasn’t shifted with them.


The vault is pretty much guaranteed upgrades for the first couple months if players actually pushed content. Too many players are hyper focused on secondary stats and will go for resources over loot because of it. Ilvl wins, especially if it’s a 10ilvl jump. I’ve gotten an upgrade every week so far, but they were not BiS. Still upgrades nonetheless.

I’ve seen a lot of players who were 226+ and only running like +7s and getting mad that the vault was useless.


It’s not zero reward. You are still being rewarded. The reward just isn’t to your liking.

Do harder content then.

I bet you didn’t complain about the one item boxes in BFA.

I think you’re wrong. The weekly vault being bonus loot?

It’s not a bonus reward considering that the gear you get from the vault is higher than what you get from drops (M+).

It’s not bonus, it’s apart of the gearing path and doesn’t have bad luck protection

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It is though. The current state of the game is gearing. There is literally nothing to do besides get gear and progress into harder content unless you want to go and do old xpac stuff.

Players understand it’s not a job but when you dump hours of your time into something and get nothing out of it that’s not a good feeling.

It’s not the players fault it’s the games.

Cool, there are people that haven’t got upgrades in weeks. There are people that get the same exact items in their vault multiple weeks in a row. What’s your point? Because you haven’t personally had an issue then one doesn’t exist?

Of course I did. The system was even worse in BfA.

Doing harder content has nothing to with the vault rewarding me zero upgrades or the same items every week resulting in no upgrades. Also when the vault doesn’t reward upgrades it makes it harder for people to progress. Not rocket science.

Those are typically players who don’t unlock all the available slots

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No, it’s not.

Just because you can’t see past gear doesn’t mean that’s the only thing in the game that can be enjoyable - which is my point.