Vault rng still sucks…

All games have keep you coming back tactics does that vault suck ya but its everywhere.

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Knock on wood - I haven’t yet had a week where there wasn’t an upgrade for me. I am down to three pieces for conquest gear, though, so I expect I’ll have a few dry weeks upcoming.

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Um, a week or two ago I had no luck in my vault and had to choose the resources

I still like this system more than BFA’s version

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It continues to work as planned since the beginning of 9.0.

"God is in your paradise. All right with the world."

Not necessarily. There are 100% people that have been and do not. It’s rng.

Random. Capiche?

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If you pug would be the only reason

Not true. Some people just have truly abysmal luck.

I have two friends that have run heroic, normal, and LFR every week–with the guild–since they were available that do not have the set bonus because the gear simply had not dropped for them.

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You know what rng is right?

ya how come DUNGEN dont get volt rewart if u dont do mystic ! ! some tim pepole wanna do regaler how bout rewart for then to !

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The previous xpac had A LOT more sources of loot and a lot more loot overall so rng was MUCH MUCH less of an issue (especially towards the end of the xpac)… Ion massively messed up this xpac and until he is reigned in and the game made for the broader playerbase again and less for his personal preference on whats best for the game the better the better.

Edit: I got 18 days left on my sub have already told guild I am not renewing sub until game gets better… will try D2 and new world out while wow sorts itself out but I dont think any more content is coming for a loooooooong time.

I remember spending 30 weeks farming raids back in the day and not even seeing certain pieces.

Loot has been RNG forever. You either accept it as part of the format, or you’re going to be super unhappy in these kinds of games.

I don’t think it is. More grinding instead of fixing the problem which is that there is a weekly chest. Remove the terrible RNG weekly system and just add a dam Valor/Badge vendor. So people can just go there and buy an item they really want.

I come into this patch with 185 weapon, i run many dungeons to farm up renown, i run many dungeons carrying over 3 dozem pug runs i hosted. Mists of tirna schythe i run a dozen times just for low ilevel sword to drop. Finally get a weapon after two dozen dungeon runs.
Vault gives me two hander at 12/14 in vault next week, you think this will please me? Huge item finally drops out of vault after i get nothing for so many runs. It does not please me this is stupid. All my efforts pointless, so i quit the game.

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Its suppose to be a lotto contest, look at how it looks in the first place.

You been coming back for so long to get it , so it works. :rofl:

By the time you decide to not come back a new patch comes and we start this all over again

It wouldn’t be awful if you could ‘choose’ what to upgrade once a week. Like, perhaps the weekly vault gave an assortment of end of M+ loot and one “valor token” that could upgrade one piece of your choice, then they could revert the current valor system to justice (and preferably make a vendor). Do I have confidence Blizz will do this? Nope. People would get BiS too fast and unsub for the tier, and Blizz have shown time and time again that all they really care about is keeping people subbed permanently (which in my opinion, just leads to people burning out and leaving for longer).

The game is now designed around 2 types of players:

  1. Cyclical subscribers who buy a game, play it a bit, then move on.
  2. People who are so addicted that they will continue to subscribe no matter how bad things get.

Of course, creating a marketing campaign based entirely on hype to beef up purchases by people who will stay only briefly, with no concern about long-term retention, has resulted in a large number of players who subscribe intending to play throughout the expansion, then leave when they realize they didn’t get what they thought they were going to be getting. This group is growing, and it’s a huge loss in revenue.

I quit retail because I did not get a weapon in 9.1. So much for the business model that keeps you coming back.

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I agree completely, the middle group, the raiders and even the casuals are being left behind. PvP players haven’t had anything relevant in years too (I don’t PvP, but I feel bad for anyone who only plays this game to PvP with the current state of things).

I loved playing multiple characters back in BC/Wrath/Cata, you got max, you went and did the content you enjoyed. That was it. There were no hoops to jump through, no time-gated things outside of instance lockouts (if I remember correctly). Now, I think about making a new character, and I think of all the chores I’ll have to do. Not just once, if it was once I’d suck it up and do it, but continually. Even the stuff you “only have to do once” you have to repeat every patch cycle.

It used to be that Blizzard created a world for you to explore and create your own goals, and yes, sometimes people achieved their goals and unsubbed for the tier. They came back next patch and made new goals though. It’s satisfying being able to set a goal and work towards it. Now though, Blizzard makes the goals for you. If you don’t enjoy the goals they create for you, too bad. I think what we’re seeing now is a mass of players reaching their breaking point with this system.

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The vault becomes less rewarding the longer you play because you start to run out of slots for upgrades so you start getting weeks where the vault gives nothing.

Super discouraging but of course Blizz will never address that.


74 kills plus however many weeks of the vault and the only reason I finally got mine was because of loot trading with a weekly guild group. 6 people didn’t show up this way so I was the only other leather wearer or I probably wouldn’t have won the roll. About 1/3 of our raid still hadn’t gotten a single dom socket last week.

The complete randomness on what accounts for 20+ percent of your dps/healing is insane.

This on top of the horrible luck with the vault is starting to get to me.